Heavy Kit / Power Supply upgrade for Nottingham?

I have been so happy with my new Nottingham Spacedeck that I am contemplating the Heavy Kit and Power Supply upgrade. If I had known how well the Nottingham would work in my system I would have bought the Hyperspace. (had no way to audition Nottingham TTs so bought it based on what I had read) The upgrades are a bit pricey but after 3 months with the Spacedeck, I don't think I will be putting any more money in digital for some time. The Spacedeck is way more fun than my old ARC transport / DAC 1 which I let go.

My system is comprised of the following components which were purchased used over the last few years, except for the Nottingham:

ARC PH2 phonostage
ARC Ref 1 Preamp
Soundlab Dynastat Speakers
2 Golden Tube Audio SE-40s vertically bi-amped.

I am torn between upgrading the GTA amplifiers to Rogue M-120 monoblocks or doing the turntable upgrade. My listening room is small and don't really feel the need for more power but I think I need balanced in amps to take full advantage of the ARC Ref 1.

So do I do the turntable upgrade first or the amp upgrade? I can audition the Rogue monoblocks in my system but not the Spacedeck upgrades. The Spacedeck upgrade would be a leap of faith. (but then so was the Spacedeck purchase) Any ideas?

Yeah I knew you had changed your initial thoughts on the Mat 1 vs Mystic Mat, but based upon your preious positive report, my local dealer's enthusiastic listening reports, many other succesful reports on the web, plus the fact that I believe the Mystic was made with the Notts in mind I decided to go for it even though it costs $100 more but hey I am getting the $50 record clamp included. Anyways, it seems that they both work in a positive fashion, so to me it seemed a coin flip.

P.S. Don't tell anyone but I also like the darker color of the Mystic mat, as I imagine it blends in with the rest of the table better.
John Tracy,

I also have a Hyperspace. I am very curious about the new oil & the Bob Benn record clamp & outer ring. How do I go about ordering one? I have some bowl warped records that need an outer ring. Also what cartridge / tonearm are you using. I can be looked up by my system. I would love to know what changes you have made & your impressions. Have you compared your Hyperspace to any other top turntables?
Considering my upgrade path... is the hyperspace worth the extra money? anyone gone from the Space to the Hyper? Not to derail...