Hegel Mohican vs. Bryston BCD-3

If anyone were looking for a single-box CD-player that qualified as a get-off-the-roundabout component, it seems to me that these two models would be high on their shortlist.  So my question is:

Has anybody been able to hear these two models side by side?

I find my CD Player sounds better when I do not have a streamer connected to it's DAC...

I am interested in your original post (OP).  I have around 3000 CDs (and counting)  do not show any signs of stopping my groove.

I would like to read about those who own the BCD-1 and its comparison to the newer BCD-3.  Equally, the Hegel is receiving very positive reviews as well. This player is sourced, to some degree, to china. At this level and price-point, the biggest question is wether Bryston/Hegel will continue to offer parts and service (in 5-10 years)?

Happy Listening!
no experience with the Mohican.
I do have the Bryston DAC-3 which I have read sounds quite a bit like the Bryston CDP.  It is a middle of the auditorium type sound, detailed without being overly clinical.  Decent soundstage depth and width without being holographic