HELP B&W 802D or Revel Ultima Salon2

Hello everyone. I'm anticipating a speaker upgrade in the not too distant future and I would appreciate any experienced opinions. I have had the opportunity to audition the 802Ds at my local dealer twice in the past week. I can get a pilomotor erection (hair standing up on arms, chills, etc.) even now simply by remembering the experience. Quite an improvement from my current Mythos ST setup. I've finally experienced some of the things I've only read about up to this point!
Now I have to wonder how good it can get at this approx. price point. I've read the reviews on the Ultima Salon2s and wonder if I might be even happier with these.
(I do realize I would need additional amplification to properly drive them)Unfortunately none of the Revel dealers in the Dallas area have any available for audition.
There exists an opportunity to purchase a lightly used pair for about the same as a new pair of 802Ds.
I would especially like to hear from anyone who has experience with both.
Thanks to all in advance.
If you have a Monitor Audio dealer near enough to go have a listen to the new PL300's I would encourage you to do so. I was very close to buying a pair of Harbeth M40.1's, this after listening to a couple of the speakers you have mentioned....the MA's changed my mind at first listen.

Won't hurt to give them a listen.
Thanks to everyone for responding. Sorry for the delay in my response, I was out of town and without internet access this weekend.
I should start by providing more listening habits...50/50 2-channel music/HT...
My room is approx 20'x16' with 18' cathedral ceilings, open on one side to a long foyer....
My music tastes varies....classic rock and R&B, jazz, and salsa/meringue....
I spoke with a local Wilson dealer (also carries Revel) and I'm planning on auditioning the Sophia 2 and hopefully the Revels next week.
I will look into checking out the Thiel 3.7s, KEF 207/2s, as well as the MA PL300s.
Thanks to all for the suggestions, and any further advice offered.
Make sure you listen to the 802D on your own gear before you buy them. If they ever fix the midrange in any of the B&W's they would be a good speaker not a great speaker though. Good highs good lows but the midrange is just awful.
I can't understand why people knock a good speaker/amp/cdp etc etc. It is fine to say it is not your cup of tea but statements by people like Mtdking are simply ridiculous.In one thread he states how esoteric cdps are at the bottom of the pile and in another thread he recommends an esoteric x-01 as one of the best. It would be better if people like this kept their opinions to themselves as they are simply too mixed up to give sound advise.
I have come to realize audio is a lot like sports cars.You have a nandful of really ggod speakers, amp etc and they are all good but you may like one over the other for various reasons. Some people like ferrari while other will swear by lamborghini etc etc. To say you like one and that the other is junk is simply ludicrous and so it goes with highly opinionated audiophiles.