Help buying fullrange speakers for $1500

The title says all, folks. Thanks a bunch. I have only $1500 and no more and yet want a fullrange speaker pair with full bass. I know it may not get me a very high-end spaker but what is the best in that price?
Dynaudio DM 2/10 (new). This is a stand mount speaker, but uses a 10" woofer and will put to shame most floorstanders.

Dynaudio Focus 140 (used). Again, a stand mount speaker, but sounds bigger than many floorstanders.

Monitor Audio RX6 or RX8 (new). These are both available around that price or less. They are both floorstanders and offer about the best bang for buck in that price range period. I prefer the RX6 which offers a nice high end sound but with plenty of full range bass as well. The RX8 bass needs a big room, but will serves up a knock out sound.

Totem Hawk (used). Rich full sound from a small floorstander.

B&W 684 (new) OR B&W CM7 (used) - The CM7 is a taste of the high end sound and a fantastic midrange. Very nice speaker.

All of these choices are dynamite and you can't really go wrong with any of them, but given your emphasis on "full-range" sound, I'd get the MA RX8.
You are getting great responses. However, your amp or receiver will make a huge difference. What are you driving the speakers with?
lots of nice used speakers for that price..but not knowing what you have or like, its tough to recommend 'one'.
"Full-range" means a speaker that can cover all ten octaves, 20 Hz. to 20,000 Hz., and in particular, that has flat bass to 20 Hz. - such speakers are rare and very expensive by most people's standards. Assuming that you mean "basically full-range", we're talking about something that has flat response at 40 Hz., which is the lowest note of a double bass or electric bass. It's difficult to find a basically full-range, quality speaker for $1,500, especially one that has accurate bass response.

If you do not have a large room (say, bigger than 15' x 20'), I would recommend a pair of used Dunlavy SC-3's. Dunlavy has been out of business for 5+ years, but in the event you would blow a tweeter, they are user replaceable and not particularly expensive. Having five drivers per speaker (two woofers, two mids and a tweeter), they go fairly loud, but more importantly, they are accurate and musical. Check the threads and you'll find a lot of enthusiasm.