Help CDP over vinyl upgrade advice please

The last few years I have been keen on vinyl, as I found even my mid-level TT (Denon 62L with DL103R) to better the sound I get from my CDP and most CD material. I'm using two systems- switched at will from several sources. One system is Altec 604D drivers in vintage teakwood cabinets pushed by 300B SET. The other is smaller Dynaudio monitors driven by EL34 push-pull. Subwoofer used mostly with the Altecs.

I find the vinyl rig to outshine my trusty old Sony X7esd cdp and would like to know if a suitable upgrade to close the gap is available. I also use a Sony sacd rig- the sa-333 I think it is- it is quite improved in sacd format- but can't redbook quality be better? Main advancements desired are better dynamics , also a more 'live and dimensional' sound. My main beef with most cd's is a lack of interest. I put them on and then lose interest ;-)

Looking to spend under $1200-1500 either used or new to get results. Hoping for a quantum leap forward, otherwise I'll probably stay on the vinyl trail.

Have I bumped into the old cd vs vinyl differences? or can a better CDP be attained with todays tech improvements?

CDP must be front loader not top. Any thoughts on the tubed CDP's currently available?

Thanks for your help...
My stock Rega Apollo (sorry -- top loader) destroys my BIX turntable with stock Rega RB250 arm. It's set up perfectly, but it can't come close to the dynamics and range I get from the Apollo. And, of course, my Monarchy M24 DAC beats the BIX/REGA as well. My Michell Orbe/Wilson Benesch/Shelter combo does a bit better, but it costs a ton more.

Presently, I'm looking for a better arm for the BIX so it can get a bit closer to the Apollo... I know there are a lot of better arms out there, but I'm waiting for the right deal to come along.
You're not going to get CD to sound as good as vinyl(anyone who tells you different can't hear!)particularly in the price range you're are talking. However,you can get CD to sound more analog like and thus become a more acceptable and enjoyable source to listen to.
The problem with digital, in my opinion, is not the hardware or software, its in vibration control and EMI/RFI control. You solve those problems and digital can sound very good.(but it still won't surpass vinyl)
There're some fairly inexpensive tweeks that can help accomplish this task: 1)myrtle wood blocks under source components(preamp, CD player) 2)maple wood platforms and isoblocks also under source components. 3)Stillpoints ERS cloth around speaker cable leads and interconnect jacks as well as powercord plugs and iec connectors. Additionally if placed on top of CD player over transport, makes a difference.
Some other not so inexpensive tweeks but definitely vast improvements are audiophile grade powercords ie; electraglide, shunyata, elrod statement etc. and power conditioning such as Richard Gray, Shunyata, PS audio.
Retail, this is stuff is expensive but used on audiogon, it can be affordable.
If you throw your money in this direction instead of at more expensive components, you'll come out much futher ahead money wise and listening wise.
I will start with my bias, that I've never warmed up to any low to medium end sony gear. When I heard Sony SACD I thought that I was doing quite as well with RedBook at home.(Krell CD1 and Spectral)
Now, that is just a reference. I would think that any BAT, the Audio Arrow, Cary, or Audio Research or Merridian would go where you want to go. If the New Appollo isn't top loading, (I don't know) you might want to go hear one. If not, that Audio Arrow would get my bucks. The only reason I didn't snatch one up is that I'm saving for more recent (can't hope for the newest) Cary units. I say this as a Krell 280CD owner. Solid deep bass, big sound stage, clear and deep imaging, smooth clean extended highs and detail and focus all the way. But it's not warm. So I'd rather go warm "all in one" than use it as you could your sony, as the detail transport into a tube D/A.
Well I guess I can't hear but thats OK because as long as I am happy with the sound of my system thats all that matters.
