Help Choosing Tube Preamp

Hi, I'm trying to decide on a tubed pre-amp in the $400-500 range. Right now, I'm looking at a Conrad Johnson PV-5 or a Cary SLP-30. Anyone had any experience with these units? What are people's thoughts on CJ v. Cary in general?

I feel like there are two things pulling in favor of the Cary: (1) It's a more recent line than the CJ, (2) I have a Virtual Dynamics Power Three lying around that I could use on the Cary but not on the CJ. On the other hand, I keep reading about that "CJ sound"...

Any input and/or suggestion would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I have a Balanced Audio Technology ( B.A.T. ) Tube PreAmp
VK-5i. I'm about ready to Upgrade it to SE but this PreAmp is Legendary. I have tried quite a few others and think the B.A.T. is the Best. Very Smooth, Very Transparent, Very Well built - World class. I picked 1 up on this site Pretty Inexpensively. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
Also the Sonic Frontier's Anthem Pre-1L or Pre-2L are very good in your price range, if you prefer a cooler sound to the warm CJ preamps. BTW, a BAK VK-5i will cost +/- $1850 used.
I would suggesst a conrad johnson PV-10 as well. Excellent sound and build quality as well as outstanding customer service.
I had a nice seller a few years back praise Conrad Johnson products when we were discussing another item. It was great advice. I can only say that you should try to listen to everything in your price range but definitely audition CJ.