Help in upgrading monitors.

I'm upgrading from my JM Focal 906 monitors, and I'd appreciate any input from a-gonners. I love the Focal sound, and I'm currently considering Focal Micro Utopias, Revel Ultima Gem or Gem 2, Zingali Overture 2- Omniray, and I'd love to hear other strong speakers in the 3-6K range used.

I run a BAT integrated amp and listen to all kinds of music, but really zone in on acoustic jazz, folk, and chamber music.

Any help, input, questions are very much appreciated.

The Rustler
Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler
Goose makes a good point about the Focal’s, but if you can tame them down, they’re very rewarding. I went from Usher BE 718’s to Focal BE Micro Utopia’s. The Usher’s sound twice their size and are incredibly musical. The Focal’s are unforgiving with poor recordings. After upgrading my sub to a JL Audio f112 connected with a Synergistic Subwoofer cable, the Focal’s are singing sweet music. I mention the subwoofer cable becasue it made a big difference.
There are many good choices that have already been mentioned and lots more out there that might work well, ranging from Sonus Faber to Acoustic Zen to ProAc, etc. etc. But a word of caution re: Zingali. I own the floorstanding Overture 3. It's a wonderful speaker and very easy to drive which allows a wide range of choices in amplification - should you decide to check out SETs, for instance. However, the speakers do tend to sound "hard" when SPLs go up and - more importantly - the foam driver surrounds will deteriorate with time. The former issue is commonplace, but the Zingalis are a bit more extreme than most IME. The surround thing is a real PITA.
