Help me in the right direction, new speakers


I am a Swedish musiclover and love to read up on this forum. Please excuse my english.

I have just placed an order for Modwright Transporter and will use it as a source of music (FLAC).

What I am looking for in a pair of speakers is:

* It must be able to play _all_ type of music. Some
speakers sounds excellent with classical, but are
horriable with "The Prodigy" for example.

* I want to _feel_ the music: the speakers should deliever
emotions (SF Cremona was excellent at this). I
cherish "musicallity" more than razorsharp details. I
never heard a speaker with both skills, so...

* Dynamics!!


I donĀ“t like cold and analytical sound :)

My limit is around $8000

My room is 215ft2 (20m2)

Mirage OMD-28. Perfect output for your room size. Great on all styles of music, deep bass w/o a sub, energizes the whole room for a stable, room-sized sweet area. Price is right too--$7500 USD / pair, even in spalted maple or real rosewood veneer.
thank you all for your suggestions. I will try and go on a speakerlistening roadtrip.