Help me narrow down some speaker choices

Had the opportunity to listen to a bunch of well-known brands with my XA30.5 and DirectStream dac/pre and at the end of the day, left even more confused of what direction I wanted to go. I tried:

Totem Sky - Great air and high extension, fun, slightly forward from neutral, but too boomy and midrange wasn't working for me.
Focal Sopra 1 - The BE tweeter was making my ears bleed.
Opera Seconda - Great impact, dug deep, beautiful construction but on the opposite end of the focal, way too warm and congested (relatively speaking). It was definitely a fun speaker that wouldn't offend anyone but left me looking for more clarity and air.
Reference 3A MM deCapo - Really enjoyed these overall in the 2 hours I listened at someone's home but the BE tweeter again was wearing on me in the long run. Acoustic guitar and Gregory Porter's voice sounded absolutely stunning though.
ATC SCM40 - Great extension on either end, very accurate, guitar and voices sounded very real, in the room type of feel, not hifi. Lacked impact and wish it was a little more forward, otherwise very enjoyable and one of my top choices. I think my amp might be part of the limiting factor here.
Verity Audio Finn - Didn't sound coherent at all, top end was very overpowering. Each component was working fine but seemed like I was hearing each individual one rather than a blend, was very unusual.
Harbeth SHL5+ - Wrapped me in music, nice and cozy. Laid back speaker, female vocals sounded great but male voices didn't have the grunt I was hoping for. They left me a little snoozy and wooley sounding (but not signficantly so).

Looking back, I'd like the high-end extension and instrumental texture of a deCapo BE but a notch-back of the sizzle, with a more forward sounding SCM40 that can generate some impact. 

I'm looking at all sorts of options at this point and wondering where to go. Looking at internet direct options as well from PranaFidelity Bhava, Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Sig Floorstander, Salk Sound Song3, Tekton (would have to be the Lore References, I can't stand the sight of the tweeter bug-eye array no matter how they sound. Wife wouldn't let them in the door either).
msommers, it might also be that you are very hard to please, that is good but creates problems. Pass are good amps, don't know your source. And to me just about any digital sounds wrong. Still, it is unclear. I don't know your budget but you could try Lansche and Kharma if you operate at this level. Focal Utopia is usually best with tube electronics.
@msommers   Your Pass XA30.5 and DS, as DAC and Pre, would be a really nice pairing for the Tekton Double Impacts or Impacts. I totally understand the concern about the 'array.'  I had the same concern but the speakers have grown on me aesthetically and I'm really surprised by this. The array is actually balanced in it's 'look.'  My wife complained about them for the first month (her concern was more about the size in the room and not the look per se - we have the DIs). If you go with a black finish, this will be less of a concern. My speakers are soft gray, so the contrast is sharper.

I'd like the high-end extension and instrumental texture of a deCapo BE but a notch-back of the sizzle, with a more forward sounding SCM40 that can generate some impact.

Given your first post and subsequent ones, I think they will give you what you are looking for, sonically.

I have the XA-30.8. Those that have the DS (but other amps) are also happy with that specific DAC in the chain feeding the Tektons.

Good luck and best wishes.
Is it possible that the DirectStream dac/pre has a ’thinner’ presentation - as opposed to going through an active preamp? When I auditioned a well-known passive preamp, I couldn’t get rid of it fast enough. It offered no dynamics or mid-range body.
Not sure if you can get Boenicke speakers in Canada, but I highly recommend them to you to seek out.