Help: My newly upgraded AA Capitole gives no sound

I recently got back my capitole CD player after a Signature Edition upgrade in AA factory France. It has a serious problem: NO SOUND. Everything else seems to be working perfectly: disc reading, display, control buttons, remote etc.

On three or four occasions I managed to get the sound whilst continuously interchanging the channels on the remote (SPDIF/COAX/T&T etc.) or through the buttons on the player itself but whenever the player is stopped (e.g to change disc or to shut down), the player refuses to produce any sound on resumption of play even though the disc is spinning and the display clearly indicating that it is playing (i.e. pressing play button).

When it does decide to play, it plays flawlessly with wonderful sound until the end of the disc. When it is playing (with sound coming out of the speakers) and REPEAT MODE pressed, it plays on and on for days until stopped. But as soon as stopped, the problem comes back.

Same problem when an external transport is used via digital input.

Checked the internal cables, they are all properly seated. The Circuit Board is in good condition and no visible signs of any damage.

Two-way communication with AA France is almost non-existent and terribly frustrating. Am stuck with a new upgraded player costing over $10,000.

Has anybody come across such problems with their Capitole or Prestige? Can you help in identifying possible causes? Could it be a software/chip problem incompatibility with the new transport (installed FOC by AA factory within the upgrade. The Chip version is 5.6.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.

Good luck with that,I hope something positive happens somehow someway.Good one E,Bob
ANSWER: the answer popped into my head. The tracking servo is misadjusted. It is a simple thing you can have it looked at nearer where you live.. any competent tech should be able to re-adjust it.
The CD has a bit of information at the very beginning of the CD. (the track timing, and titles etc. It is ONLY READ ONCE when a CD is loaded. If the CD is repeated, the info is NOT reread. This info with the track timing etc is vital, and a disc will not play if this info cannot be read. From your original posting, when you said the disc will not start, but if it does, and you repeat it will play perfectly over and over until you try a different disc has the answer in the statement.
So that is the problem. My guess is the French dude doing the final checking of your player had a disc repeating and set the servo for the beginning, but did not check it after, and the servo is going back in only barely far enough to 'sometimes' catch the beginning info.
I wish you the best on getting your player fixed.
I am French... I could help you to communicate with Audio Aero if you like (I believe they're in Toulouse). Let me know...
There is a huge difference regarding communication and customer service at Audio Aero now and what it used to be in the past when I decided to send my player for the SE Upgrade (in July 2009). At that time the receptionist/administration incomings were handled by one Miss Sandrine who used to reply to my queries and mails within 2 days.
Since, there are two new figures there: One Miss Sophie Lucchini for incoming mails and someone named Guillaume Bouly - who supposedly supervises all technical related problems.
From my own experience within the past 6-7 months with Audio Aero, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, get e-mail replies or technical info from AA. I had to phone them several times to pass on the same info which I had previously sent by emails. Even on the phone, impossible to get in touch with the so called technicial coordinator - Mr Bouly. Please note that France has espoused a socialist philosophy wherein a lot of employees feel they have permanent employment. Hence no need for them to wast time in stupid things like customer service.

For your info, I had no intention to go for the SE upgrade: it was only when I contacted them at that time (July 2009) to buy the new cryo tubes for my player that they offered to upgrade my Capitole to Signature Edition against payment. I agreed and sent my player to them in August 2009 but due to delays originating from AA factory, and consequently the player having had to make a forced waiting transit in France before getting to me in Mauritius, I got my player only a few weeks ago.
I maintain that AA has serious communication and customer service issues. Having said that I think the GM (Jerome Andre)is a very nice guy (I spoke to him on the phone). He told me that he expects his staff to respond to customers within 24 hrs. I also understand that Mr Andre normally spends considerable time in a different geographic location than in the technical services premises. One thing is clear though, his staff definitely has not got the Boss' message regarding customer service!
Elizabeth, Hervel
Many thanks for your advice and the offer of help regarding assistance in french language. I am a native French speaker and my country (Mauritius) was a former French colony. My communications (emails & phone calls) to AA have been mainly in French.
The issue is elsewhere - "efficiency, efficacy, concern and respect" for the clients buying and putting faith in their highly priced products in return for legitimate expectation of an attribute called "customer service" when problem beckons.