Help system not working

I just put together a new system and being an Aesthetix fan, which is quickly changing, I got all Aesthetix equipment. Trouble is I got a IO phono stage paired with a Calypso sig pre amp and it is overloading the inputs. I have changed the jumpers and when calling Aesthetix they are telling me it is just not compatible and go buy there lower end Janus sig phono stage. Reviews on the Janus compared to the IO is not great. I could change the cartage but don't really want to. I am open to any suggestions. At this point replacing the IO seems like the best solution but would like to verify it.

Here is my system

Basis Debut
Lyra Delos cartage
Aesthetix IO
Aesthetix Calypso sig, pre amp
Aesthetix Atlas monoblocks

Thanks in advance for any advice totally frustrated that all the Aesthetix equipment doesn’t play together.
One follow-up to my previous comment. Are you completely certain that you have set the jumpers in the IO for minimum gain (approximately 50db), as indicated on page 4 of the manual?

If the specs on all of the components are accurate, according to my calculations the Calypso should not be getting overloaded by a 0.6mv cartridge amplified by the IO at its minimum gain setting, even without the 10db attenuator I suggested.

I am interpreting "overloaded," btw, to mean that distortion is present, as opposed to just having to keep the Calypso's volume control at a very low setting.

-- Al
I have it on att4 62db. Aestheix told me and does not recommend att5 the lowest they told me it doesnt sound right and not to use it they should of never put it in. So att5 is not an option.

Yes overloaded I ment distortion is present at high volume parts of the record. When the record his about 85% volume I start getting a static like breakup of the sound. The calypso's volume is irrevelent.

Al thanks for your input.
OK, good clarifications. Given that, I think putting a 10db attenuator at the inputs of the Calypso stands a good chance of resolving the distortion/overload problem, possibly with another pair of attenuators at the power amp inputs to allow you to operate the volume control at higher settings. I'm basing my calculations on the statement in the Calypso's manual that it accepts inputs up to 7 volts balanced or 3.5 volts unbalanced.

I think there are some line-level inline attenuators available that offer more than the 10db provided by the Rothwell's, but I'm not sure if they are available in balanced form.

As far as the Wadia is concerned, not sure why there was a problem, as its brochure indicates that its maximum output level can be adjusted to as little as 0.3 volts via internal switches.

Hope that helps. Regards,
-- Al