HELP: Tweaking my system is killing my back...

In the last few months I have been working on improving the sound of my system through some modest upgrades and tweaks. Now, my system sounds alot nicer than it did a few months ago, but I still have a way to go. The thing now is that I find myself listening to music for alot longer than I did before. Not bad, huh, but wait. Before I started this new adventure, I would sit down, listen, get up, do this, do that, sit down, get up, and so on. I rarely sat for long periods of time. Last night I put on some on some Mozart and it sounded great and before long I was in my usual chair for hours and this morning my back is killing me from sitting so long on that chair.

I am thinking of getting a futon to sit on and ocassionally sleep in while I listen to music, but I am hoping that this added piece of furniture doesn't cause more sonic problems.

Either buy a better / more comfortable listening chair that offers more support or break up your listening sessions a bit. I think that there are others here that would "die" for the chance to have such prolonged listening sessions and / or be able to be drawn into their systems for that long of a period without experiencing listening fatigue. Count your blessings and keep it simple. Sean
Yes, get a more comfortable chair that provides decent back support. Alternatively, perhaps you could start a new trend and develop a number of very quiet exercises that can be done while listening to music. Something to keep the muscles moving and stretch the spine. Side arm lifts (high over your head). Side to side neck rolls. Gentle back twists. Heck, pushups are quiet but your ears are no longer in the sweet spot. Stomach tensing might work. Hmmm. There might be a new industry here. Audiophile grade workout mats, dumb bells .... the list could go on.

Whether you go that route or not, the trick is to stretch a bit between cds. Good luck.
Invest in a "inversion" machine. This machine enables you to hang "upside down" by your ankles. Your ankles are attached by wide padded straps to a tall, tube cage that inverts you and allows you to hang like a bat (no insult to Balanced Audio Technology intended). This machine relieves the gravitational preasures that are forced upon the spinal cord. The wieght of your head and shoulders (providing they are of normal size) will gentley separate the compressions between the discs within the affected areas in the spinal columb.The problem. To maintain proper "phase" and "soundstage" alignment, the audio system must also be "inverted". It will naturally retain the "mirror" image properties, so "speaker revearsal" is not nesessary. Tube sockets may present a small problem, so check to see if your tubes are loose. If so, pad the area directly under the amp that is to be inverted (when the tubes fall out, they won't break) . Turntables pose the biggest problem. I haven't quite figured that problem out yet. Perhaps "rubber bands" attached to the tone arm (any help out there ?).Who say's that Hi-end audio isn't a contact sport ?