Help with $600 to $800 integrated amp

I am reducing my home theatre to a 2 channel setup and am looking for a good integrated amp.

Current system
Nakamichi AV8 receiver
Marantz (Ah Thoebs 99') CD
Nordost Blue Heaven interconect
Marantz DV4200 DVD
NHT 1.5 main speakers
Kimber Kable 8TC speaker wire
NHT SA-1 sub amp with NHT 10' sub
NHT AC-1 center channel

I am selling the receiver and center channel for starters and am looking to get an integrated that will be good with a variety of music (jazz and electronica (lounge style) mostly, but also Rock, R&B and classical). I would like to continue using the sub as I enjoy the flexibilty I have over the bass. I like a smooth sound and rarely if ever use high volume. At some point in the future I plan to upgrade my speakers as well, but want to start with the amp.

I am looking for used or new. My consideration list currently has:
Classe Cap-80
Arcam A75 Plus (heard it and was really impressed)
Arcam A65 Plus
Creek 4330SE
Creek 5350R (maybe out of my price range)
Audio Refinement Complete

Any thoughts?
why should you look for integrated when you can get even separates for this price range:

McCormack Micro Line Drive/McCormack DNA0.5 wired with canare cables will get you under $800.

For Creek you should upgrade speakers since it's not a great driver and needs efficient speakers although the music in Creeks dominates over the McCormacks.

Having one DNA0.5 if the upgrade bug continues you can get another DNA0.5 and do horizontal bi-amplification if possible.
Now I realize that my previous post missing one main thing due to my non-accurate reading of the real situation in that discussion...

An the main thing is SPEAKERS. with $600...800 if you acquire Vandersteen 1c even new or used for cheaper you will achieve much better results in your situation.

Also consider Totem Arro, Triangle Celius used.
I having been tossing the idea of which I should upgrade first for a while (Amp or speakers?). Your point is well taken as I was on that side of the fence for a while...

What do others think in my situation, amp or speakers first?

I finally concluded that my receiver could not generate the sound I was looking for... Even with better speakers. My original plan was to get both the speaker and amp at the same time with a slightly higher budget (maybe creek 4330 with Epos M12). But I thought this combo would leave me itching to upgrade again, sooner rather than later.

What about the Creek 5350R? (not the SE, the SE is out of my price range) I have yet to find one to audition... Is it very close to the SE?

No one commented on the Classe Cap-80... I have heard it is similiar in sound to the bryston b-60 which I think sounds very good... But I have not heard the Classe.
take a look at the denon pma- 2000ivr at $1200 saw it somewhere om the web for $700+. 80 watts per channel 8 ohms,160 4 ohms. 120 amps of current!! check out the denon usa site.
to upgrade amp AND speakers certainly will bring you excellent results, but i only saw $800 the bottom line.

havn't heard Epos though, but Triangle Celius with Creek 4330R can be giant-killer budget combo. Stretching to 5350R might bring you some punch and dynamics over ultra-soft and low-powered 4330R but that is to see for your taste.

Adcoms, Arcams and Parasounds will not represent too much of an upgrade to your existing Nak.

can't recommend you Classe since there is no good comments i can make(except looks) on this equipment in general.

for jazz and electronica you less-likely will need a sub so you can leave it for HT purposes so it doesn't destroy your music. Sell your mains and get some $50 RadioShack speakers for rears that will work great-enough on cracks and splashes and consider the upgrade complete.