Help with phono amp upgrade

Hello:  Need some input from those in the know.  My current system:
Mesa Tigris tube amp
ifi phono pre
Sansui 2050c ( older belt drive table) with Hana SL cartridge.

question:  i feel as though the IFi is very quiet and clear, but at times a bit harsh.  I’m thinking of buying
a used Sutherland PhD to improve the harshness in my system.  I’ve got around 2k to spend.  Yes, i know the table is old, but it sounds sweet and haven’t jumped at a new one... yet...

thanks ,
Anyone actually compared Allnic 1201 and 1202 ? $1k is the price so good that it is a little suspicious, I saw nothing below $1750 obo, that's $1500 in reality, I guess. Make sure the tubes still have plenty of life in them. How much is to re-tube the Allnic, anyway ? I mean both stock NOS Mullards and other NOS tubes that some prefer.
Even if the tubes are a little beat down, I believe Allnic is giving away a new set of NOS tubes for them as they did for the H1200 when the 1201 replaced it. Contact your dealer/distributor. Like Inna, I have never seen that phono go for anything near that price, even the H1200 is bringing $1000.00 on the used market so you got one heck of a deal. 
Fun hobby !  So now I’m thinking of trying tube dampers on my old Mesa amp... at least in my system the Allnic is spooky quiet..