Herron VTPH-2 Phono Preamp

I have a few questions for those of you who own/or have owned the Herron VTPH-2 Phono Preamp.

1) If you have sold it.....what was it that seemed to be lacking that made you decide to sell it? What did you move on to?

2) If you still have it, what are its most enduring traits that you love about it?

3) Has anyone compared it to any of the Klyne phono stages and what were your impressions of the comparison?

Thanks much!
Thank you to all of you for your replies!

Out of curiosity, which tube compliment are you all using? The (4 x 12ax7's, 1 x 12at7 for 69dB) or the (2 x 12ax7's, 3 x 12at7's for 64dB)?

Secondly, do you know if you can switch the tube compliments from higher to lower gain and vice versa yourself or must it be sent in to Keith to have adjustments made to the RIAA network?

Thank you again!
I have the 69 dB gain model and No it can not be switched without sending the unit into Keith.

Because of the sonic qualities of the VTPH-2 I am seriously considering going with his VTSP-3Ar02 and M1A's.

The best way to find out more about the VTPH-2 is to give Keith a call. Not only will you find out more that you will ever want to know about the unit but you will learn a few things as well. And you will find out why Keith has so many loyal customers--it is not about selling gear but about sharing the joy of hi fidelity. And Chuck--the VTSP-3AR02 is every bit as good as the VTPH-2--perhaps better. A truly reference class product that disappears and lets the music live and breath in your home.
Thanks again gentlemen for your replies. I was able to email a little bit with Keith today about his phono stage.

I'm currently using the Benz Ruby ZH which has a .7mV output and therefore would need to order mine with the 64dB of gain which uses 2 x 12ax7's, 3 x 12at7's.

Which cartridges are you all using with this phono stage?