HiFi lacking social recognition?

Luxury or HiEnd audio did not make it into Forbes "10 Best ways to blow your bonus" while leather handbags, cars, traveling, hotel parties did. Is it a sign that our hobby is eiter completely irrelevant to even the richest or on the contrary such an essential part of living that this is not a luxury habit at all, just plain basic need satisfaction?
That's because you don't "blow" your bonus by spending it on high-end audio, you are buying a tangible good that will provide you with enjoyment for years to come :)
My take on it is that high end audio is not an emphasis with anyone except our small society of audiophiles, audio geeks, audiophools, take your pick. We are in a minority, a small, closed community. The rest of the world (the majority of people) don't understand the obsession that some of us have with the best possible reproduction of music recordings. Nor do they understand the expense we will go to in order to acheive high fidelity. The fact that Forbes overlooked high end audio gear as a way to blow your bonus check is no surprise. I'm still amazed at how much my attitude has changed about spending large (relatively speaking) amounts of money on audio gear. When I was part of the rest of the world, I would never have considered such spending. But a person gets drawn into more and more spending little by little if they can afford it. Some of us are spending when they cannot afford it. The average person cannot relate to the excesses involved in this hobby and does not have quality music reproduction as a priority. I don't think Forbes is any different.