High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by ddraudt

MC-0.5 first listen. .. Wow!
Got 2 MC-0.5's in at noon today.
By 12:25 I was thrilled!
I wasn't sure how much it would help considering my use of HFC URH and PRO power cords but this little device brought me a big step closer to real.
The HFC site describes the effect..
"The MC-0.5, once plugged into an extra outlet, delivers a dramatically cleaner, clearer music signal with better dynamics, realism and musicality. It is both more detailed as well as more relaxed-sounding at the same time. "

That is exactly what putting one 0.5 does in my system!!
to a greater degree that I would have imagined. Similar to adding another HFC power cord, this $299 wonder is, as Rick told me, "Stupid Good for the money!"
I love how much cleaner, clearer and more detailed all instruments sound.

Highest Recommendation!!
Now back to add a second MC-0.5!!!

Cheers D

MC-0.5 second listen... Wow!!
I added a second one to the system and it made another big improvement. Now I see why they sell them in sets of 1, 2 and 4.
A set of 4 MC-0.5's are only $250 each, crazy price for what they do.
I called Rick and he said that they are additive and using one in every open outlet works best. I just ordered 2 more!!
No way I want to live without them now that I've heard them.
I recommend that you "git you some"
The first run of these will run out soon, then HFC will be waiting for more parts.

I look forward reading to Calloway's experience with these.
Enjoy the music! I do! D

bugredmachine, hi. I put one MC-0.5 in the wall outlet where my power distribution box is plugged to (PRO PC to distribution).
I have a second one plugged into open outlet on distribution box.
A great price for moving to a higher level of musical display and musical enjoyment.
Cheers D
lak, I have used isolation transformers, I also have a secondary AC panel with hydraulic/magnetic breakers in stead of the standard thermal breakers. I have worked continually on upgrading my power distribution  system and have made great strides. I have run directionalized 10AWG
wire and use Oyaide R-0 outlets with Furutech wall plate and cover on all 5 outlets. Years of testing different wire for distribution box From a friend of mine. As well as testing different boxes, outlets, inlets ect. Too many improvements to mention. I use the same attention to detail on my speakers, components, room treatment ect. The MC-0.5's brought me closer to the music than I have ever been. Much Closer!!
Excuse me if I think that anyone who doesn't get these is nutz.
;-) D

hic, welcome and congrats on getting a MC-0.5.
I think the HFC Digital Has a greater effect than the speaker cables
unless you get top of the line SC. YMMV. Digital signal's small size requires the very best noise control and Magnetic conduction is the absolute quietest, most natural sound imaginable!
I'm Thrilled with my High Fidelity Speaker Cables and have Never heard anything better. The only way I'd sell my SC is if I could get the next level
Cheers D
hifial, I agree with jmcgrogan2 that if the MC-0.5's are plugged into any outlet in that is part of the audio power, it will work. HFC's statement "magnets make more music" is additive, so More magnets make even More music. That is why I ordered 4 of the MC-0.5's and why I have a full loom of HFC.
Yesterday afternoon and evening I sat, transfixed buy Shockingly Superior* sound that even my system previously could not do.
It's uncanny to go from Amazing to Unbelievable to Another Universe.
Cheers D
*TBG is credited with the phrase "shockingly superior". ;-)

Rlawry, Thank you for your findings on the MC-0.5's, I agree wholeheartedly! Astonishing Improvement on my system...
I also agree, that it is hard to describe The improvement of HFC's magnetic conduction designs over electrical conduction, in terms
adequate. So thanks for your descriptions.
My system already sounded ridiculously absurdly Great with the advent of a fortune in High Fidelity products... Just one of these .5's elevated the listening experience to undiscovered realms of musical magic!! I've never experienced such solid images in the soundstage. Glorious hoards of subtle clues combine to mimic reality in ways I could never have dreamt possible. Adding a second one lifted us to yet another plain of existence. I ordered two more and wait in line for them to be assembled.
Cheers D

Philipwu, I have worked on audio power for almost 40 years and have never heard standard AC power that was even close to being good enough for High End audio components to sound their best.
Off the top of my head, here are a few trouble spots inside the home:

Standard, to electrical code in the US, wiring is not good sounding. 10AWG wire sounds better than 12AWG.
properly oriented 10AWG sounds better then 10AWG romex.
aluminum wire totally sucks!!

 To Code, Thermal breakers use high resistance wire inside to heat up and throw the breaker. This high resistance wire, robs Dynamics and leading edge response time or SLAM.

There are many electrical devices and connections in a home that degrade the sine wave and add noise. Some devices add noise even if on a different circuit.

 Breaker Boxes add much distortion and vibration. A standard
duplex outlet, outlet box, cover plate adds more noise.

The audio system itself creates RF and IF noise as well as vibration that can effect the power.
All this, even if you have a local, small town power plant close by.

You may have exceptional power. That would be great.
I know many music lovers who are very in to audio but do not have expensive, reference quality audio systems. I have experience that some devices to do wonders in my system cannot be distinguished in theirs.
They are happy with their sound and i am happy with mine.
Cheers D
Calloway, thanks for you input on the .5's.
 looks like we are all very impressed!
I can't wait to get my 3rd and 4th ones!
This may be Master Ricks key to fame and fortune.
I'm sure they will sound great in impressive systems.
I wonder what they sound like in a modest system?
I have not tried one on my 4K tv yet.
Lak, Your question about what power cords to amp...
 I am very fortunate to be using a Pro power cord to distribution and another Pro pc from distribution to the amp. I have a Pro IC from my source to amp. My new amp, H-cat Mk III is truly amazing and made much better with Synergistic Research SR-Black fuses and a Star Sound Rhythm rack. I hope to have my new, upgraded to 4x DSD, DAC/pre
next week.
I know TBG has all Pro cables to his Mk III Amp also.

Lak, Thanks for you input on the adapters.

All, I should get my 3rd and 4th MC-0.5's this week and will let you know
my impressions. I know that 2 work better than one and that they have greater effects in some places than others. But all placements change the sound in astonishing ways.

Cheers D

Philipwu, Thanks for your experience with these cables. I have enjoyed MIT spk cables in past decades.
From my personal experience with each level of HFC from E to Pro..
 HFC offers 6 levels of speaker cables and each level is many times better than the previous level. Even more as one goes up the line. The difference between the E- $4K cable and the Pro- $34K cable is, as one might expect, an ANT to elephANT comparison.
Even the Ultimate was no comparison with the E. The UR absolutely blew away the U, the helix was amazingly better than the UR and the Pro, another universe altogether.
also- magnetic cables can take days to get back to top performance after being removed.
Cheers Philip
knightfi, interesting post!
can you tell us what level of power cords you are using?
In my system, the power cords made more difference than the interconnects from levels Ultimate to URH. The Pro interconnect may be better than the Pro pc's but both are worlds away from the other HF gear. I've heard the Pro speaker cables make a huge difference over URH and there is no apparent signal loss in the Pro speaker cables.
I only have UR speaker cables  but hope someday to be able to afford the Pro spk cable.
 Although all HF stuff has similar attributes, the first levels compare to the Pro like a 50 year old VW in a ditch compares to a showroom fresh Lamborghini. They both have 4 wheels but..............

More IS better some times!
And this is true for the MC-0.5's.
As a matter of fact, all HFC magnetic wonders.
I got my 3rd and 4th MC-0.5's today and the improvements are great!
Each .5 I added to my system gave me a better sense of space,  air, effortlessness, musicality, depth, solidity, tonal detail, shape, separation.
It's more than that... "Magical"! "Engulfing"! ... more than that...
New realms my friends, new realms!
Removing one  makes the sound less clear, smooth, quiet, clean...
Thinking of trying to connect one in my breaker box.
Cheers D

Calloway, There was one outlet that seemed have less of an effect for unknown reasons. Moving where two items were plugged in made it better.
I have one in the  wall outlet that I think made the most difference but quantifying this type of improvement is tricky for me.  
I have 3 MC-0.5's in my 8 outlet distribution box. (4 duplex ).
Uncanny presentation!
Cheers D

Hi All, I can hear that the MC-0.5's sound more refined after break in.
And that there are some places it has a grander effect.
The least effective on of the 4 I am using is still an improvement I would not want to be without. I have a full loom of Hi end HFC cables and like Norm over 60% if my system money is in HFC products. I could not be happier with their effects on my sound. However, Even With Great Equipment,,, If you room treatment, Power, grounding, and equipment racks are not great, you will never realize your systems' full potential.

Jay23, thanks for your questions.
I have 8 of the MC-0.5s and love the effect.
they are all at the wall before any other magnetic stuff.
I plan to get more as soon as I have the funds. I'd like to start with
six more.
I haven't tried the 6 and the 6Hemisphere.
I believe most companies under rate there components power handling capabilities to protect themselves. Huge difference between peak current and operating current if it's not a class A operation.

Ozzy, I have used MC-0.5s and both digital and analog components.
the make the power better to both and the improvement is substantial with both.

facten, I've experiment with multiple 3 way splitters for MC-0.5s.
takes the splitters 5 days to break in but it seems to work very well for me and my friends. I like the fact the the splitters are very short runs for electricity in stead of adding power cords into the mix. I have a splitter system that is holding 8 MC-0.5s, if i and 3 more splitters I can up the total to 14 in that one splitter system with only one foot of wire.
For me, they sound much better plugged at the source then spread thru the system.
And yes, they are CRAZY GOOD for the money.

CalvinJ, thanks for your reports on the MC-6!
Hope all is well with you.
My system is worlds more refined than last we spoke.
I'm Still dreaming about getting Pro speaker cables without a second mortgage. My new amp would see all HF-Pro cables.
PM me if you want details of the last 12 things I did to the system.
Cheers D

Benjie, I found that the best sounding devices under magnetic waveguides are from Star Sound Technologies. I started using them at Ricks suggestion and now have Star Sound platforms and their Brass "Audio Points" under everything! SS platforms hold all waveguides, components, speakers and power boxes. ( as does Norm) I have some points under my Schumann Resonance Generator also. I use SS brass parts to cancel vibration in other places also. I find them to be good in places that they were not designed for.
 I've complicated my system into an Audio Labyrinth! But... I have never been happier or more impressed by a system.
Cheers D
Hey Calvin, Cool that you may try the 6 Hemi!
I'd be interested in your thoughts on the difference between 
the 6 and the 6 hemi.

My system is so addicting and so enthralling that it is very hard to get anything else done if it is playing. Ricks inventions play a major part it my sound. Like Norm, over 50% of the cost of my system is in High Fidelity Cables. I'm so happy with that choice that I hope to up that percentage 
by a lot with my efforts to get Pro Speaker Cable.

Cheers D
Keith, you are way off topic my friend.
I can't imagine anyone on this thread wanting to read what you have written.
May I suggest that, if you think someone is being abusive, you click on "report this post" so a site monitor can take a look at it.
I mean no offense but I will ask that they remove your last post to eliminate another negative direction on this thread.
Happy thoughts!!
Hope you and your system are doing well!
Cheers D
PS I have very strong opinions and judgments about things which I try to balance with education and understanding. Flawed human.

Hello philipwu,  A lot has been brought up about Magnetic conduction not working the same as electrical conduction on this thread in the past 5 years. We unfortunately cannot apply electrical logic to magnetic conduction. You are measuring electrical resistance using the batteries in your meter. You are testing magnetic conducting materials with  electrical  conducting test equipment which is even further afield than testing AC current with a DC meter.
Not to worry brother, many have had a difficult time moving to a radically new medium. Except for those who have tried a full loom.
Some have not been able to make the adjustment AT All! and have left thinking we are all crazy. like the flat earthers did some time back.
Hang in there man!
Cheers D
Keith I'm on your side and agree about the guy. this is a thread about HFC products.
Love to hear about what you think of any HF products you have experience with.
How is you system doing?
Cheers D
My system has disappeared!!!
I'm left with only music.
Music represented in ways I could not have imagined, and have never experienced before. I would have never experienced this without High Fidelity Cables.
Except for Ricks wife and kids, I may be his biggest fan!!
HfC's biggest problem now is making their products fast enough to keep up with demand. Growing pains as sales have doubled.
I've been considering Pro series speaker cable since I heard them at Norms 2 months ago. Did you know that the fastest time to build one set of Pro speaker cables is 2 weeks, with their best builder, doing only that.
My plan, hope, dream is to get the PRO speaker cables, I may have to stop buying and eating anything for 6 months to do this. ;-)
I will also get 6 more MC-0.5s when they are caught up on orders for them.
Enjoy the music everyone"
Cheers D

Mac48025, Hi Mac - sounds like you are having fun with High Fidelity stuff!!
On the MC-0.5s. To me they sounded better at the wall then in any power distribution box. I have a dozen at the wall for one dedicated line
using 3 way splitters. I add 4 at a time and each time I liked the improvement of veils lifted and more life entering.
Thanks for describing you experiences!!
Cheers D
68 pete, Greetings fellow MC-0.5 fanatic. I agree and think I will order 4 more today. They just got more in stock!
Audiolabyrinth, If I understand your question correctly..
The Pro series has Interconnects, Power cords, Speaker Cables and I suppose they might make a Pro Digital Cable although not listed.
Designed for Professional use, these cables are only built when ordered.
I've heard that the Pro's are selling quite well. To crazy people. ;-)
Not to be out crazed, I HAVE PLACE AN ORDER FOR PRO SPEAKER CABLES!! 3 or 4 weeks to get and a month of break in but you can bet I will be reporting on them.
Cheers Man, hows your system?

Hi Pete.
I got 4 more in today, I live in Texas so they only take one day to arrive.
Now that they have more in stock.
I have 16 now. I'm glad I got more. 
I have all 16 at the wall where my system plugs in. It's quite a feat to strain relief all those filters and 3 way splitters.
It is a dedicated 10AWG line with special breakers and connections.
I am using only one line (of 4) right now.
First day going from 12 to 16 MC-0.5s.. I heard myself exclaim Wow! a number of times during the first listening session. I got more than I expected for a first day with new filters and new splitters. Though lacking refinement at first, it was instantly more lifelike. That makes me happy.
The sound improved as the day went on but I have witnessed splitters and filters to taking 100 hours or more to settle so more to come. I'll report next week.
Yes is my recommendation on HFC power cords...
I remember being Shocked to hear how huge an improvement my first magnetic power cord was. It seemed impossible that a single power cord could transform my entire system, lifting it to an entirely other level of performance. It was an Ultimate power cord.
I have upgraded power cords many time and have been thrilled by the improvements every time. I have 2 Pro and 2 URH power cords now.
It is interesting to me how great the MC-0.5s work, even with the top of the line HFC stuff. The RCA magnetic extenders work very well on my Pro interconnect. I hope that they have more of those in stock soon.
I say that the MC-0.5 and RCA adaptors are the biggest bang for the buck of the magnetic stuff. I am extremely happy with all my High Fidelity cords, cables and filters and will not let go of ANY of them except to upgrade. If you hear them you will want them. Cheers D
Hi Mr britt. a very specific question. In my experience, plugging into the wall outlet had a greater effect than into a power filter. I have 2 duplex outlets connected together with the same wire so electrically they are the same point and physically their is about 6 inches of wire between. So 6 inches downstream from where the system is plugged in. I built a short cord to a 3rd duplex outlet which plugs into one of the outlets at the wall.
This to make it easier to plug in 16 MC-0.5s at one spot. 12 inches downstream.
I have heard the MC-0.5s make an improvement in power boxes and even plugged into outlets NOT connected to the system but in the same room. in both cases the effect was less that at the wall  outlet of the system. hope that helps. Cheers D
Pete, Thanks for the heads up on the speaker adaptors on Facebook.
They are not out yet, but they will sell in sets of 4, so adaptors for both ends. Different adaptors for each end so we need to look closely during set up...
FYI Magnetic power cords effect the system differently than signal cords.
Similar in that they both are a huge upgrade in sound. Different in that they effect different areas of the system. The greatest improvement is in having both.

misterbritt, High Fidelity on facebook explains how one can plug MC-0.5s downstream. Those of us with dedicated ac lines do not usually have downstream outlets.
rlawry, Great news that you got the UR Speaker cable!!
I felt a lot closer to the performance when moving up to the UR.

I'm thinking of more MC-0.5s too. I only have 8. I must pay off my loan to get a set of Pro Speaker cable before I get any more -05s, so next year.
I plan to do an in depth report on the UR vs PRO once I have a Pro with time on it.

Enjoy the Music!!
mcondon and todd, IT was the HFC cable that started me spending more on audio.  I grew up with little and saved everything my whole life. 
Once I saved enough to buy a second house, and as I approach 70, I decided to try to loosen my grip on money and enjoy what is left of my life. My wild spending has given me the most magical sound I could have never imagined possible, Daily awe and amazement. I like the statement "being fully involved in audio". I did enjoy the DIY stuff for decades. This is a totally different world.
I hope all enjoy their music. D
PS I often answer question privately for those who don't wish to post.
Hi All Here's my report on going from 12 to 16 MC-0.5s at the wall.
After 5 days the improvement is splendid! 3D imaging like I'd never imagine. Everything I play sounds so much more live more involving. Makes me want to play EVERYTHING. I am engulfed in the soundstage.
I started a familiar track and everyone in the room went Wow at the same time... quiet enough to lift more vales, even were no vales were detected. ultimate rich detail with effortless delivery and a "like being there" experience.
Cheers D  
Benjie, thanks for your report on the power issues. I think it is good to know what external forces may cause problems for Magnetic items.

Interest that Rick would say use the biggest wire possible. This may be true when connecting to Magnetic Conduction power.
I have found that with electrical power, 10AWG soild copper wire to sounded the best in systems I've built, but it will be interesting to hear what huge copper wire does with Mag power if you, or anyone tries that.
Please let us know?
If bigger is better in this arena, then maybe I'll try some OO AWG to the outlet box. 10 gauge is the biggest wire i can connect directly to an outlet. The bigger the wire the harder it is to work with. )) being nearly impossible. ;-) D
rlawry, good to hear how things are going with your system.
I know what you mean about the efforts to move up the line.
I used Paypal credit to help get a piece but then have to pay off Paypal for the next 6 months. I do get to have a Pro speaker cable with the effort.  Hopefully arriving in a few weeks.
I do find ways to improve my overall sound by improving my power distribution system. I quit using non magnetic power filtering as it robs music.
the last line was to read 00 gauge being nearly impossoble to work with.
brownie1946, I don't like the work "Rhythm" because it has no vowels
I think even audiophiles misuse audio terms all the time.
Perhaps it's time for us to revisit the audio terms list.
You asked what the improvement was like adding many MC-0.5s...
I think 68pete s' description of the improvements was spot on!
It well described the improvements in my system.
I would add that  horns are more natural, more detailed, more suspended in air with space around them, more lifelike, more effortless.

I think 16 is a good number for one circuit, but I still want to hear 20. 24.
Pete has 2 circuits and I wonder if he has 16 on each?

68pete- how are you MC-0.5s configured?
I agree that MC-0.5s are one of the biggest bang for the buck of any audio improvement, so when i have extra money and want more vales lifted for a more live sound, I get more of them.
I also think the RCA adaptors are a great improvement for the money.
I've heard tell that some have doubled the RCA adaptors for even more improvement. RCA added to PRO interconnects made much more music.
Noticeable price difference between Pro IC and RCA adaptors. ;-) D
antiwolfe- I do not see any MC-6s for sale in the world today.
Used ones have sold for about $800 in the past. but it's rare.
Pro Speaker Cables- first impression, I love them!
I finally went "ALL-IN" and gifted myself with a pair of Pro Speaker Cables. Something I've been dreaming about but thought I'd never do. I'm very glad I did.
I was using my Ultimate Reference Speaker cables prior to this.
Within 5 hours of listening The PRO's were obvious winners!!!
The changes were more dramatic that just a much better sound.
A new perceptual experience!
Pro's have a unique sound envelope projection I've never witnessed before. A stage opens before me.
It is exciting to know the Pros will improve for months. After one day they are profound. Richer, fuller tones and the air is ethereal, increased effortlessness and ease of involvement. Shockingly real.
I have several folks over to listen. Friends very familiar with my system.
All could very easily hear the vast improvement...
 Here are some Quotes:
"This is really quite remarkable", "Fabulous", "Much Superior",
"Uncanny Realism" "Sublime", "WOW" and some explatives that could not be repeated. A friend of mine has been reporting major increases in performance as the weeks go by with his Pro Speaker Cables.
They are amazing after 2 days !!!!!!! ;-) ;-) D
Rlawry, Yes, you are right that I seldom leave my listening room now that I have Pro Speaker, power and interconnects. 8 hours a day minimum listening time. (music is on now).
I would agree about the break in process you described. The Pro's start out way better than previous models and improve from there. The Pro Speaker Cables have gotten more refined in 5 days. From better than ever to even more involving and "real". I can hardly waite for next week, next month!! I am hearing more "back wall reflections" among other improvements.
romazicon, Welcome to the HFC thread!
The Ultimate Spearer Cable, I recall it being a huge improvement over previous models, The first serious waveguide on speaker cables.
10 times better then the E speaker cables. from Ultimate up the Speaker cables improve dramatically with each version.