High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by ddraudt

Yping, all post go thru a monitor and they do not work 24/7 so, some of my posts get delayed a day or two.
Jafox, Chris, I understand the dilemma of audio equipment costing more than I can afford. Especially when the high dollar stuff seems too good to be true. In my experience High Fidelity Cables ARE THAT GOOD!!!
The UR series of CT-1 would have to be heard to be believed because it is beyond our knowledge and experience. The rare earth super magnets used in the UR are prohibitively expensive and only made in China during the summer months. imagine $100,000.00 magnet orders.
Rick is one of those audio guys, like me, who gets excited about the best audio possible and works continually toward that goal. NO limits Audio requires a continuing input of time and money and is as impossible to complete as seeking perfection in any other field. We do it because we love it! We love the challenge as much as the result.
Money and morality are popular topics in the world as they should be but this IS a thread about High Fidelity Cables. I say they are better than I could have imagined and warn folks not to listen if they can't afford. Beyond that, I can say I'm more delighted and thrilled by what I am listening to than I've been in nearly 40 years of audio and hope you all get to a place like that.
Enjoy the Music and the hobby. D
Jafox, So my friend, you think what you've been writhing makes This Thread more interesting? I think that yours is only interesting to others with no real interest in High Fidelity cables. ( those who haven't been axed already ;-). my vote- U R Boring and I will skip your further ramblings.
I do hope you find time, outside of being negative for no reason, to
Enjoy the Music!
I'm enjoying my system soo much these days. It's playing all the time.
lush-beautiful- solid- real- involving - engulfing- goose bumpy.
High Fidelity Cables are a huge part of that. Bigger than any other component in my system. I've been trying cables since the 1970's, expensive known brands, and local attempts at greatness, self built. ALL WERE A PALE SHADOW compared to what I hear now with HF cables, cords and filters. Hence my enthusiasm!
I'm the kind of guy who hates watching sports if the announcers ignore the game to talk about their opinions. Stay with the game guys!
I'm also a guy who scrimped and saved my whole life to pay for a few rent properties. Now that I am in my golden years (with golden ears),
and single, I've set aside my life of poverty and service to others to enjoy the time I have left. My dad died poor and worried about money even though he worked several jobs. This made me consider living for a living in stead of working for a living.
I love this thread and reading about friends experiences with HFC!!
So I navigate past the "Blog Cloggers" back to more interesting reading.
I'm looking forward to Ricks new foray into magnetic conduction components, He's working toward have a complete magnetic conduction system to fully demo the ability of mag cables.
Cheers D
I've been buying CD's lately too as I can't wait to hear what they will sound like with my CT-1 UR system. It sounds so good I must rehear all of my old favorites and find new delights!
I got "Duke Pearson's "The Right Touch" .. and "The Benoit / Freeman Project 2" by David Benoit and Russ Freeman. ( playing now - amazing! )
Several people are visiting to listen every week! Boy are we having fun!!!
;-) Enjoy the Music
Hi All, Been away for a few days and was surprised to see my name mentioned so many times. I love to have folks come and listen as it is even more fun to share my sometimes crazy, over the top conglomeration of tweaks, inventions and components. If your going to be in Austin, contact me about a visit.
I've had great sounding systems for decades but the High Fidelity Parts is my single best improvement ever.
My amp designer tells me my custom integrated amp is just weeks away. ( after more than a year perfecting the design and build )
When it arrives I will have to completely disassemble my system and rebuild it to fit the 3 chassis unit. Then a month of break in followed by months of tuning.
My speaker designer is in the planning stage of my new speakers.
Once built, we will spend months perfecting the prototype.
Today, even with a loaner amp and speakers, it is the best system I've ever heard, felt, or been engulfed by.
Happy to read that so many are enjoying the music. D
Calvinj, sounds like you had a great time and I'm happy for you!
I expect to have a few audio visitors this week. I've been asking listeners to describe their experience. Not just to get compliments but to help come up with descriptions. " a singular and transcendent experience", was the latest comment.
I agree on the HF power cords. My URR pc reinvents every component I try it on, totally upgrading all to unimaginable heights. Breathtaking realism!
Cal, I hope others are having as much fun as we!
Calvinj, It going great for me audio wise. The music is on and so is my grin. Had a friend over yesterday and we listened to many many types of music. Alternative, metal, rap, spiritual, classic rock, classical music, jazz, blues, reggie, hop hop and more. Enjoyable time.
I got some C37 varnish especially formulated for audio parts in 2 days ago. Developed by Dieter Ennemoser, a Violin maker & player, audio technician, audiophile in Germany. since at least 1998 Dieter has been improving on the product and the latest, ( C 37- 8.9 ) is the best ever. I've painted some on some small parts. WE will test during our Saturday testing session and decide on effectiveness and next steps.
Also, I'm planing a trip to Houston soon to bring some High Fidelity Cables to a number of my audio friends There. I'm having HFC build me a URR power cord and a UR 1M IC. I will bring my UR digital, U speaker cable, my custom 20A URR PC and other CT-1 stuff I have. I might even bring my UR speaker cable and my UR WGPC.
My new amp is almost ready too, With all the parts functioning, we discussed and implemented the final main chassis layout. I'm having all the control switches mounted inside the main unit. This Oddly non commercial design removes over 2 feet of battery current wire. (1/2 a foot less is an audible improvement so 2 feet less is great!) Switches inside is no problem for me because….I never use covers on audio components because it seems to restrict the "OPENNESS" of the sound. Unless you Might have a very tall cover with 8 to 12 inches of empty headroom space. I do internal RF/IF shielding where necessary for "top off" interference issues. [ more secrets reviled].
SO Music makes me happy and is my remedy for the Anguish and Frustrations in dealing with the painful, ugly sides of human nature.
Enjoy the music my friends. That's why we have music.
OOPS, correction Dieter is from Australia but studied violin making in Germany.
Hi Friends. A reminder that there are many people who post on all types of sites just to get a response. Usually folks who feel so empty or alone that even a negative response is contact with the outside world. Another type feels so broken or powerless that they try to manipulate others to feel powerful. Or both of those.
Me, I'm looking for contact with others interested in High Fidelity Cables
to share HFC product experiences SO, I skip the ones trolling for trouble. I find replying can escalate into negative responses. Then the Sheriff steps in and blocks further posts.
I'm here to ENJOY the MUSIC. sorry for those poor dears who can't. D
High Fidelity cables have given me the greatest audio Joy I've experienced in 35 years of audiophile listing. I never imagined audio could sound this amazing! My music is on more than ever and is so damn real sounding it seems impossible. Had people over 3 times this week to listen to this most impressive sound and have 2 out of town groups coming this weekend. Ricks cable are so great!! I'm bringing some to my audio friends in Houston maybe the next weekend.
I have a full loom of UR cables that are in a league of their own as far as music quality. I am also using A URR power cord and a UR WGPF (magnetic power filter). Each item is unbelievably fantastic and the combo is superb in every way! I've had all the different level of High Fidelity Cables. The CT-1 was amazing and every level up was Shockingly Superior to the previous. The sound I have now would be impossible to describe well enough to give you any understanding of
what I experience. Partly because if you haven't actually heard it you have no reference to draw on as Nothing else sound this mindboggleingly outofthisworld good.
Ive tried to read some posts lately but some only say Blablablabla like what Snoopie hears when humans speak. Other posts about what High Fidelity cables are like have been very interesting, Thanks!
I love that I'm enjoying the music more than ever before and look forward to hearing from others who are Enjoying the music more also.
Badman, I'm sorry for a few things.
One - I haven't read your posts for several reasons.
A) I avoid Bad people.
B) no useful or helpful info.
C) I don't play the "respond to crazies" game.
I'm also sorry High Fidelity products make whatever you sell inferior.
I'm sorry your not enjoying the music because of this.
I'm sorry you got lost on the wrong thread.
I truly hope you get whatever help you need to feel happy again.
Love Dave
Calloway, Yes, I agree with you.
Calvinj, Sounds like you are having too much fun! like me. Great!!!
4orreal, One difficulty in speaking on magnetic cables is that they are very different than electrical cables. The principals and function are different so the can't be thought of as "cables" in the traditional sense.
If one applies electrical thinking to magnetic conduction it will not make sense. Rick & friends are working on a vid to help explain mag conduction more simply. should be out soon. And yes, when you hear them you will be blown away ( and you'll want them very much).
Tbg, I know it is frustrating to have people rant about unfamiliar topics but, as you know, these are a new and different (superior) approach. Magnetic technology is know by so few that there is a learning curve for everyone. Enjoy the Music D
Like throwing gasoline on a fire! I did warn all of you not to read and definitely not to respond to off topic trouble makers. I am mildly amused by your replies to this troll so thanks for that. I have not been reading the stupid posts but the responses are fun au be it a waste of time like arguing with a rock. Truth, information, logic, kindness, anger
all pointless to empty vessels looking only for responses of any kind to validate not having a life. Perhaps your all enjoy calling idiots idiots but scratching has only made an ugly wound uglier. Remember BadManners
give himself a point every time you respond. suggest Ignore him and enjoy the music. D
The music is on as I await travelers to Austin in search of audio nirvana.
High Fidelity Cables are too great to be believed and My system sings.
I think one of the hardest idea to get across is these are NOT wires, they don't act or sound like wires. If one has only heard wires they have no idea what we are talking about.
Cal, Love to have you visit. Listening to "The Benoit/Freeman Project 2" just now, Nice, about 7.5 or 8 of ten on recording quality scale and a lot of lively tunes.
@ddraudt did you hear Kendrick Scott Oracle "Cycling into Reality" song on his "Conviction" album.
I'll check it out. D
lots going on with me. some in audio
Had the system playing over 12 hours yesterday and had 5 audio guests from 3 different towns.
All agreed it was the best system- music playback- sound- that they had ever heard. ( including me ) The sound is so PURE, so NATURAL, so REAL it's SHOCKING.
I got to fine tune the tube traps in the morning and made a 2 NEW improvements during the day, one with C-37 violin lacquer, one with RF/IF damping.
I got to discuss and demonstrate tweaks for over an hour and explain my theories as to why this sound is so unique. High Fidelity Cables and magnetic conduction were a big part of the talk because they are responsible for a lot of the Greatness of the sound.. I've ordered more HF UR cables for my system and I'm excited about their arrival.
Calvinj, One CD I like a lot is "Chameleon" by Badi Assad a gifted female brazilian guitarist. There are many contributors to this album, all kinds of world instruments, every song is different, excellent record quality. is available online. Enjoy the music!! D
Great News!!! I'm getting two or 3 more High Fidelity Power cords to try as well as a UR IC and some other cool parts Tomorrow!! I'm very excited by this and more excited that Rick and his crew will stop by to listen this weekend!!! since Rick last heard it I've gone from full loom Ultimate to full loom Ultimate Reference, added a URR power cord and have made 100 other tweaks and improvements and a year of break in. He seemed somewhat impressed last time and now its galaxies better. What fun and excitement!!!!
The music is on and I hope you are also enjoying the music! D
Audiolabyrinth, thanks Keith, I will let you know how it goes.
I would say that Ricks' Posse is a group of very serious audiophiles who like to have a lot of fun..
Tbg, Welcome home Norm! I'm looking forward to this visit with Rick and will be headed to Houston next friday to visit our audiophile friends there armed with many High Fidelity Cable products to show.
I AM having a lot of fun with audio. HF cables take a system to a place
non magnetic cables can't and I've learned how to get even more out of my HF products ( and everything else in my system.) Also, my new speakers are just finishing the design stage and in a few months, I start tuning the prototype speakers. AND My amp designer/builder
has decided to add an additional bank of capacitors but I still hope to have it in September.
As you may have guessed… The music is on, as usual, and the sound…A M A Z I N G ! ! ! D
Keith, Cal, It's good to know passionate audiophiles like yourselves.
I'm listening to music as I write. It brings me great joy. Been excited for days about Rick and 3 of his friends dropping off more High Fidelity magic this afternoon, then stopping by to listen this weekend. Friends and i were listening to Badi Assad last night and marveling about how pure and real and transcendent it was. I was trying to imagine how it could be better. Right now I have a custom URR pc into a custom UR Magnetic wave guide power filter. this afternoon I hope to try adding another URR pc between the HF mag power filter and the amp I'm using.
Triple magnetic power devices to the amp should be kind of good ;-)
I'll let you know… Enjoy… D
Audiolabyrinth, I customize everything so it sounds better. My methods are too complicated for an easy description. Perhaps I'll offer a 6 month course some day. ;-) Much of my customization is unsanctioned and wild so I don't go into detail here.
What fun!!! Rick and 3 friends stopped by today to drop off some HF goodies. They stopped to listen for a while and all were impressed by the amazing resolution. Now I have 24 hours to see how much better I can get it to sound with the new HF parts before they come back.
I just put in a second URR pc in the system to warm up and it already sounds wonderful beyond belief.
More later
Thank you JohnP. I'm glad you were able to visit. Happy you agree that it is amazing with unbelievable soundstage. High Fidelity products make up a large part of the sound I enjoy now..
My equipment has been modified way beyond their original state including some pretty fancy Clock & DAC chips, battery power and many layers of Isolation, damping and shielding. Please let me know if your in Austin again and want to listen.
Thank You Rick, Bob, Peter, John, Mike & Stan for visiting me this weekend. It was great to see you all! Thanks for all the congratulations, compliments, comments and suggestions. I'm thrilled to have validation
about how rare and special my system is, especially from such serious
audio enthusiasts. It's always helpful to me to have other golden ears
tell me what they hear.
All That High Fidelity magnetic gear is amazing!!
happy listening D
2nd pc, My new, second High Fidelity Cables- Ultimate Reference Rhodium power cord is already making huge improvements with only a few days on it. ( I think it needs about 400 hours) to magnetically align the electrons. (NOTE: - Non ferris materials can become reactive to magnetism if there are electrons flowing thru it.) Moreso, an electron beam can be attracted or repulsed by magnetic fields. (see cathode ray tube experiments since the year 1850)
The sound… hard to describe without hearing it or at least some HF magnetic gear but there is low level detail not possible with conventional wire. This vast abundance of details, once lost in the noise floor of standard wire, creates tones, and soundstage images
far beyond the experience of electrical only systems. (I'd never go back..) So, If I say the tone, purity and soundstage is Amazing!, and you've only heard Amazing electrical, You still have no idea what I meant. Sorry you'd have to hear it. I can say that serious audio people who go to all the audio shows and visit the best systems in the country said my system was a very rare gem. As I stated in an earlier post, I plugged this URR power cord into my amp. coming from My Mag filter, The HF UR WGPC. so from wall to amp it is URR-WGPF-URR.
The magnetic effect is additive.
If your worried about money, quickly -- back away from this blog.
If your into sound better than anyone else's , Welcome Home my Friend. Enjoy the Music!! D
Tsushima1, I agree that the UR IC's are Revelatory. I hope you get to try HF power cords also as they are as big as an improvement OR MORE than the signal cables. Totally mind blowing purity and imaging with much more detail, speed, pace, tone, intimacy, emotion…… louder also.
Note: I have gotten more out of my HF UR full loom by applying the same techniques of isolation damping and shielding I use on all other components.
I'm at the point with these marvelous High Fidelity products that I would change my components to ones that work better with these cables, cords and filters. They are That good. as a matter of fact I'm hoping to audition Ricks new Magnetic Conduction Amplifier soon.
Cheers D
Audiolabyrinth, Keith I have found that high Fidelity Cables and other products make any component sound better and have proven it to myself by hooking $60K worth of HF stuff to a $4k system with unbelievable results. I've tried many combos of system with more expensive cables than components but not at a 15 to 1 ratio.
HF sounds even better with $60K+ worth of components too.
This post is not for those with the faint of wallet.
I do recommend that you try an HF power cord. Most impressive!!
Enjoy the music!! D
Tboone, Glad your getting a personal taste of magnetic magic. I remember how thrilled I was at my first listen. I've gone totally crazy since then with High Fidelity stuff and every single step brought more
Magic, joy, delight, amazement!!!!
Cheers D
Calvin, I humbly suggest you take your time on the speaker choice and hear as many as possible. My friend Stan built a speaker that has base that impressed Rick, a lot, and we are working on my next set that will have much better highs than the ones I'm using now With the same or better bass. You'll just have to do some audio tours. D
CalvinJ, you asked "how is it sounding?" and I've been thinking of how I could describe such an event… Easier to describe to you and others with a lot of the High Fidelity gear. You know how each added high end piece brings you to a new world, nay, a new galaxy of resolution, realness and awe. I have a full loom of HF Ultimate Reference Cables, 2 URR power cords and a UR WGPC power filter/distribution station. Can you imagine me tuning each of those devices to get much more out of each?….?
So imagine if you can, your system with 6 times, big improvements in tone, micro detail, quietness, dynamics, pace, speed, image environment , emotion, involvement and goosebumps.
If you come up with a sense of what I am talking about kindly tell me how you would describe it?-??
I can say that it's not like listening to an audio system. when listening, there is no sense or thought of audio system. Just overwhelming involvement in the music that surrounds and lifts me into the flow of the music. Transplendent Purity.
Enjoy the Music D
High Fidelity cables have made my life more fun! Not only is the music on much more, My system is out of this world good!! I am awed daily and others or similarly impressed. Here is a recent message from the head of a visiting team of listeners "we have a great time everyone was blown way by what you had done, great system". I've had interest from a few reviewers wanting to come by also. that's cool.
HF Friends If you going to be in Austin, PM me and we'll try to set up a visit. in the meantime, Enjoy the Music!!!!!!!!! D
Jafant, Hi, welcome, I'm in Austin. I love having people buy to hear my
High Fidelitified system. My second power cord makes my system even more………(add all positive descriptors here)……………………!!!!!!!!!!
( example: amazing beyond comprehension )
I have audio friends in Dallas and Houston as well that are High Fidelitietts.
Enjoy the Music!! D
"It's better… at EVERYTHING!" 2 HF URR power cords in my system for a few weeks ( with a few tweaks ). High Fidelity's magnetic conduction at the UR level pass low level signals impossible with electrical conduction.
Now, subtle clues in the soundstage, both musical and organic create
such an amazing, intimate connection to the artist that I can see and feel their intent like never before. Difficult not to get wrapped up and carried away by the music that is at once revelatory and dumbfounding. Additional layers of detail presented in a more real and natural way with impossible power, dynamics and effortlessness. Best bass, mids and highs ever! WOW!! and WOW!! again.
Enjoy the Music.. Dave the happy camper.
Tbg, A guy asked me yesterday if it would be better to buy 4 HFC
Ultimate power cords or two URR PC's at roughly the some price.
What do you think about it?
I Think I would be very happy with the Ultimate they never mAde the URR!
too late now that I've heard the URR!
;-) D
400 hour report on 2 HFC URR power cords. Saturday listening team thrilled by the improvements with another week of break in.
"It's way better, way better at everything!",
"The bass is ridiculous",
" It's got more dynamics and punch and is also easier to listen to.",
"The Drums are incredible!!",
"Now that I can SEE the drummers movements, it is clear what He was getting at!",
" listen to that echo- wow!!,
(laughing)," Wow!!, Unbelievable!!!
"This is IMpossible!!"ect…
At times like this, It's great to be me.
Enjoy the music!! D
CalvinJ, Agreed! It's an ordinary (audio) life without the Magic of High Fidelity Cables. Ricks Magnetic conduction cables RULE!!
Thanks All for posts about High Fidelity cables. Ignoring the static, I must agree that the HF URR power cords are most awesome. They have the most magic of any component I've heard in 35 years. I'd like everyone to hear how good they are because it can't be described fully.
(Cal, I love your descriptions But it's like describing magenta to a blind person.) However, the harsh fact is that one URR cost more than the car I have been driving the past 8 years. I believe that once you hear these you will not be the same, they will ruin you for life. That's fine if your wealthy or crazy enough to own them.( Me- not wealthy ).
Absolute Best EVER!! but can you handle that???
I plan and hope to bring my 2 URR's to Houston this Saturday to show friends.
Enjoy the music!! D
Calvin asked me how my system is sounding and it is beyond fabulous
and beyond description but I can say that it brings tears of emotion and joy, laughter and gasps of thrill and disbelief, shivers and goosebumps,
a lot of explatives and head shaking at how beyond wonderful the experience is. I've never heard a system I liked better!!!
Keith, perhaps you should plan a texas audio tour. 4 or 5 full loom HF UR systems with URR power cords and more.
I'm off to Houston in the morning to visit audiophiles with MY URR power cords.
happy to see that so many are enjoying the music! D
Tara dealing clown is clogging High Fidelity Cable thread
TaraAudiolaberynth 7 out of the last 15 posts on HF thread...none about Ricks HFC cables.
Keith, I welcome folks to hear my system but shy away from folks who so full of themselves as to assume the have better before they get here.
Please stop touting the damn tara shit here or get axed like so many before you. The Sheriff
Mrmb, Kind sir, I think you are on the wrong thread.
This one is about how High Fidelity Cables Sound.
Cheers D
Keith, I'm sure you have a wonderful audio presentation at your house.
And I know you love listening, like me. I wish you years of listening enjoyment. Dave
Had a great visit in Houston yesterday with audio friends! The journey was exhausting, but rewarding to hear such a wonderful system.
Ricks High Fidelity cables were a huge hit!! They will be ordering some soon. This is what happens when folks actually listen to HF cables.

Cal, Tbg, ...Mama told me when I was a lad, "Don't feed the trolls"
"Sometimes they are cute and you through them a few crumbs. Then they turn ugly."

I check this site often to see if there are any new and Relevant posts about High Fidelity Cables. if not, I move on.
For those who can… Enjoy the Music!!! D
In my experience the CT-1 was a great experience in natural sound and openness. The CT-1E was twice as good with added clarity bass and highs… very nice! The floodgates open with CT-1 Ultimate, a truly different class, 10 times better than the E, jaw dropping realism
amazing bass and highs, pure engaging sound, hard to imagine or describe. The CT-1 Ultimate Reference was, to me, 10 times better than the Ultimate!!
A new galaxy!!! so good it's as hard to describe as magenta to a Tara person.
Funny, do you remember what snoopy heard when humans are talking?
Wa wawa wa wa wawa wa! That is what post about how much better these sound with good costumer service or all the hype without ever hearing the magic. I glaze over when the wa wawa wa starts and look for some interesting to read.
Enjoy the Music mi amigos
Kzhtoo, Welcome. I have heard both the CT 1E and the CT-1 U. The E was a very nice improvement over the CT-1. THe Ultimate Digital is a huge improvement over the E. vastly improved. I have not heard the HiDia as my last digital was a Stealth Varidig Sextet. I've been listening to different high end cables for decades and In my not humble opinion
nothing else ever came close, not even digital cables at twice the price.
I hope another High Fidelity friend has heard the HIDiamond your using.
ENjoy The Music
I Love High Fidelity Cables because:
their magnetic conduction designs allow much more music to pass.
I'm so happy to listen to music with HF Cables.
I've never heard anything as good in 35 years of audiophiling.
They've raise the level of sound quality 1000%.
happy to be an early responder to the new direction audio will be going.
Fun to blow everyone away with the purest sound quality ever.
Glad to find other audio sojourners who have found the Grail.

I'm also glad to hear that there will be no more commenting on non HF posts. If you feed trolls they keep coming back, if you do not feed the trolls, they waddle off elsewhere to get scraps of attention.
Ronnjay, WOW the sure is a mystery as the UR is 100 times better that the E in all systems I've heard of. Only thing I can think of it that it was in backwards, broken or mislabeled so one or both are in backwards.
You could experiment with turning them around. Using a compass is a crude way of checking direction.On interconnects- the north pointing ends are the input and the output ends are south pointing. For speakers cables input= Red is north, black is south.
Output Red south.. Black north. I hope that helps more than it confuses.
If the cable is mislabeled or does not totally blow away the E, I'd send it back. Maybe it is good you commented here because this can be fixed.
Cheers D
Ronnjay,Your welcome, direction critical in all magnetic conduction cables. IN wrong direction signal would have to flow upstream from the magnetic push, robbing most of the energy. If not that, something is likely to be not connecting properly internally or externally.
Looking forward to hearing what you discover!
Enjoy the music!! D
Geoffkait, seems like a simple question but it confuses me..
How could you effect one without effecting the other?
Scientists proved 100 years ago that magnets effect an electron beam.
Further complication is that electrons have to be flowing to be effected by magnets.
So magnetism effects the flow of electrons which effects the signal.