High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by ddraudt

HF magnetic adapters is a genius idea! Thanks Rick and Co.
An affordable way to get a sense of magnetic conduction. Great!
I'm hoping to try the AC adapters, When they are out, for some ancillary equipment that use 2 wire power cords (like my MAC server.)
I'm having a great week! Not only did my Spurs beat the Worriers and everybody else, but I've heard Nirvana!!
    I don't write ofter because i am busy listening to
music, but I heard some new High Fidelity stuff at Norms house That was so beyond anything that I must write. After several hours of listening at Norms, Rick came over with all pro gear. Norms system is one of the best ever but it was brought up so many outstanding new levels yesterday.
    First Rick added 4 more MC0-0.5's to Norms system ( he only had one before) after all 5 were in the sound was so much more quiet, detailed, natural, powerful, Dynamic with amazing, amazing sound stage depth - width and placement!! (I need more .5's too, I only have 4) Rick showed us how putting the 0.5's with a 3 way outlet splitter that was amazing.
We also tried the 0.5's in other outlets NOT part of the Audio line and we could still hear an improvement. More improvement closer to the Audio though.
   Then Rick replaced the UR IC's from DSD DAC to PREamp with a
Pro IC and the sound was impossibly Real. I don't know how to describe
how much better it was. we added another Pro IC from pre to amp and again it was more, much more of indescribably fantastic!!!
   THE final step was adding the Pro speaker cable and the sound became painfully too good to be dreamt of, too impossible.(And this is without any break in, I can't imagine what it will sound like in a day, a week, a month!) Painful because now I want something badly that I can never afford. Danger! don't listen to pros if you can't keep them or it may ruin your life. ;-)
We were listening to Patricia Barber, Cafe Blue much of the time. Amazing album if you can hear all of it.
 I am sure Norm will do a review once he recovers from the shock and the system has time to cook.
I also got a new UR helix IC yesterday that is just in my system today.
It already sounds wonderful! I will report back in time about that.
Enjoy the Music friends.

I wanted to add that the Pro Speaker Cable was much louder than
then their other speaker Cables. Not only more volume, more of all the subtle clues that trick my brain into thinking it's real.
I am Happy to report that the UR-Helix IC's added made a huge improvement after one day. I could not stop listening, long into the night,
to this new musical world before me. Involvement in the music and effortlessness are two of the qualities greatly increased with the addition of one set of interconnects. The Depth, width and solidity of the soundstage was another big, wonderful lift to my sound Quality.
 The URH replaced an early UR prototype.  I have a full loom of UR signal Cables in my system and URH or above power, so I have already been enjoying the magic of magnetic conduction very much. Going up the HF product line always gives me more amazement that I was expecting.
The URH is a Huge step up!, HUGE!! I'm getting more URH very soon.
Enjoy the Music!!
 I'm going back to listen some more

I have been really enjoying the Ultimate Reference Helix interconnect I got last week as they break in. There is more realism that with the UR ICs,
more depth, effortlessness, subtle clues to the soundstage, more solid, natural. All around improvements that just make a more pleasurable listening experience. Another big step up! Thanks Rick!!
Cheers D

Wig, I just order 4 more .5s to get my total up to 8 for now.
probably get 4 more next month.
A friend of mine tried 18 of the MC-0.5s in his system and said the sound was out of this world amazing!!
He also said he would never want to hear the system without all of them again, ever!
My plan right now is to get more until they don't make an improvement.
One can use outlet splitters to put 3 in one plug and I have installed a second duplex outlet in the wall to hold more.
I am considering building an extra (3 duplex) distribution box out of spear parts I have around the house so I can use it exclusively for 6 more MC-0.5s.
One good thing about texting and blogging is that I can listen to music while I'm writing. It sounds wonderful!!!
Cheers D
MC-0.5s, a very fun toy for a tiny fraction of what my HF cables cost.
easy to install, each makes my music more musical!

I have 12 MC-0.5's at the power input to the system.

If one looks closely at Ricks video about new products, in the end where music is playing, one can see 36 of the MC 05's.
24 are plugged together with 12 orange 3way splitters
 6 are in a MC-6 hemisphere 
 6 are in a MC 6
I think it is a good idea to audition cables, and everything, if one can -before purchase.
I only recommend the top High Fidelity Cables to people with systems refined enough to hear what they can do.
Reference level system are extremely rare.
From what I am hearing now... I doubt many have an inkling of
what is truly possible. My system 3 year ago was one of the best I'd ever heard. Today, with HFC PRO Cables, There is no comparison to that old system. No description that would enlighten others of the experience. And no way I could have imagined what is being presented to me without hearing it myself.
68pete, Power cube looks like it would works well if one can devise a connection protocol... 4 sided plug in would block second outlet of a duplex outlet.

There is a cube with a short extension cord (or use your own extension cord to a cube) that then can be gang plugged into many cube shaped cubes away from the duplex outlets.

My power in comes into the audio room to a 2 duplex outlet setup.
               One outlet plugs in the system, the other 3 outlets are for my 12 MC-0.5's.

Maybe I'll get cubes for second dozen MC-0.5's.

Splitters have a break in time of up to 5 days FYI

Cheers D

68pete, I am experiment with simple plug in splitters.
I found a 3 outlet splitter at Lowes that i am trying that is from "Protect Source". it is green and it's shape allows me to use without blocking nearby outlets. The splitter itself sounded awful for 3 days break-in.
Bright and edgy.
But it sound better today.
I saw Rick use an old orange 3 way plugging 2 .5s in either side and the power cord into the end. it sounded great! but I am crazy about outlets and wires so I have thoughts of building my own splitter.
perhaps Master Rick should build a splitter for $500.

knghifi, MAD.... you bet! ;-)
8 of the MC-0.5s sound so much better than 4 that I am considering 12.
Better how you my ask!
Well... everything is much better... extended both top and bottom, but not only extended but smoother more natural highs and lower, tighter, crisper faster Bass.
More natural overall with much better defined soundstage, more depth and width and solid image, quieter more fine detail, more involving, more
musical, more effortless. The Magic abounds! No words do it justice.
I've been told by audio elite that my systems sound is rare and one seldom experienced in life, so to make it this much better is a real thrill.
YMMV depending on how MAD your system is.
Enjoy the Music! D

I have been using heavy duty splitters with Silibant 22, and at least 3 days break-in.
perhaps there are audiophile splitters out there that would sound better???
Pete, I like to buy 4 MC-0.5's at a time, but... I have many other upgrades going on now and a list of future upgrades I have yet to get to.
I might try more of the RCA adaptors when they become available again.
They made a big improvement on my Pro IC's. Hopefully, they will be available in a month.
Let us know how the cubes work out for you.
Thanks Dave
Spades or Bananas 
Has anyone experimented with Spades and Bananas on their High Fidelity Speaker Cables???
2 schools of thought.
1) I've always loved to crank down spades really tightly for max contact.
2) Rick suggested that the bananas' "straight in design" might be better for magnetic flow. (but they fit so loosely...)
I've never used banana plugs for serious audio before.
What have you found??
justubes2, I hear much improvement with the .5s like described by others. I my system adding 6,7,8 was similar to going up a cable level.
I think that, after you go past controlling the obvious sonic changes with MC-0.5s   or a better HFC cable... the added increase does sound like more shape and spaced and naturalness with more real, emotive and effortless.

I heard a suggestion about getting an MC6 and 6 MC-0.5s and using that to add 6 more .5s to the system. Something I hope to try.
As well as other ways to add more. Because??
It is a huge thrill for me to make my audio sound more real! Any slight improvement at this point takes me to sonic places I've never traveled.
The MC-0.5s are no small improvement in my system and 20 of them is still a small fraction of one Pro IC. The Pro IC is out of this world amazing and I very highly recommend them. But for the non uber rich, where the choice is between an interconnect and a car, The MC-0.5s are the biggest bang for the buck I've EVER heard. for me 8 is not enough.
Cheers D
Ozzy, thanks for your concern. I'm involved with the radical fringe of audio called "no limits audio" so I'm crazier that the normal audio crazy that effects most of us here.
At this moment, my system sounds more amazing that any I've heard
IMHO and I am getting a new amp and an upgraded source soon.
I have my eye on a pro speaker cable too.
I have a never ending set of parameters to try and many projects I have not started yet like an overall grounding upgrade and even more room treatments. I spend most of my days listening to music and communicating with my crazy audio friends, giving and getting suggestions and advice.

Pete, I have a 3 way splitter that sounded good after 3 to 5 days and have seen friends use the one you describe with a power cord in the middle but, like you, I don't like plugging my Pro power cord into an adapter. My first choice was to add a second outlet to the wall, which I did but soon ran out of plug space, Second, I plugged 3 of the .5s into my distribution box. Great but ran out of plugs. 3rd I used 3 more in a $3
splitter and it sounds great ( after the splitter broke in ).
With 8 the Bass is amazing, I have more power and veils have been lifted! more interesting is the layering in the soundstage, the air, the emotion and involvement. 
I heard from a friend today who has 11 of the .5s with HFC's MC 6 to plug 6 into. He said it is like standing 2 ft from a live performer and the the Bass is the best he has ever heard.
I may try the MC6 or build my own splitters out of good stuff.
I could add 6 more by getting 3 more splitters from LOWES.
And Yes, I know a guy who has tried 18 of them and raved about the sound... so I am not even as crazy as they. ;-) D

Thanks lak. I hope to compare the two once I get a replacement for one defective Banana plug.

mister britt, I have both sets of ends, I was using bananas at Ricks suggestion until one banana broke. Now I am using Bananas on the
right amp input and spades on the left until I can get a replacement Banana.
At the speaker end I have Bananas.
Interestingly enough, when my amp is turned to "zero" or max attenuation, I can still hear the spade side but not the banana side.
This might indicate spades are better... or the volume difference may be caused by one of a hundred other things. Time and experimentation will tell.
Calloway, Yes I have 2 duplex outlets to the wall. One Pro pc and 5 MC-0.5s plugged in there with the help of a 3 way splitter.
My power distribution box has 3 HF power cords pugged in with one 0.5
In each of the outlets that each of the power cords are plugged into. equalling 8 MC-0.5s at this time. I hope to get 6 more.
I would suggest you experiment with plugging your .5s one into each outlet with one pc in each outlet and see what that sounds like.

Warbling sound, I had a sound I describe as that once, I had to restart my DSD system to make it stop. was due to a misalignment between server and hard drive.

In my system the sound is moving from layered sound stage to 3 dimensional! The Bass is the most outstanding It has ever been!
The mids are so real, amazing. the symbols move in air like Ive never heard, the brass wow! And to hear the piano sound so real is astonishing! 
misterbritt, greetings!
five one two 963 seven zero zero five.
Banana broke in shipping.
I don't have a mag distribution box at this time as I opted for PRO series
cords and cables with the funds I had.
I did discuss HFC power cords and filters on page 18, 3 years ago.
But have never tried the MC-6 or the MC-6 Hemisphere. There should be reviews out there...
I have 12 MC-0.5's at the power input to the room followed by a Pro Power cord to custom distribution boxes. Then a Pro pc to amp.

Will report on the banana vs spades when I get parts, Waiting for customers to return their Bananas to HFC so I can get one.

About running long Reveal power cords. Yes HFC power cord will make a big improvement even with non magnetic distribution. I would have to know more about your system and room to figure out how i would run power cords. It might be better to rewire the room and get shorter cords.
feel free to call me on that one.

Magnetic Power stuff does make a bigger improvement then signal in my system. YMMV.
Jmcfrogan2, Norm is experimenting with a second HF distribution box.
the MC 6, with 6 of the MC-0.5s in it connected with a Ct-1 pc to the wall outlet where the Pro cord to his HF UR power conditioner is plugged. He has reported great results!!

Rlawry, I see you asked a few pages back about how to apply splitters.
Did you get a good answer?
I am using a 3 way splitter from Lowes. it took Silabant 22 and 3 or 4 days break in for the splitter to sound good.
I consider the MC 6 with 6 MC.5s and a Ct-1 power cord as Norm has has success but the cost of these 7 items and the fact that I'm without funds at the moment stops me. I may afford 8 more MC-0.5s and 4 more splitters in a while. Car repair and a Pro IC set me back money wise.
Words fail to express the sound improvement of the Pro IC.
I have trouble doing anything but listening to music these days.
 3 Dimentional soundstage is blowing my mind!!
Cheers D

Justubes2, I have heard a demo where MC-0.5s made an improvement even connected to non audio ac lines. Less effect there but very noticeable.

How long are you leaving the 0.5s playing before your assessments?

I don't have tubes in my system so our experiences would be different.
Cheers D

justubes2, Thinness is usually the sound of any magnetic conduction item that has not fully broken in.
I find the broken in HFC to be the most balanced, musical, real sound ever.
I have discovered over the decades that a lack of warmth can come from many components and too much bright metal in inlets and outlets ( I.E. Silver, Rhodium, Palladium ect.), silver wire can be clean but cool. the wrong DACs, Preamps, amps, cones, stands- all can be bright
as well as room reflections off glass or metal.
Sometimes "warmth" is a distortion that some folks prefer.
I feel like I am getting more of what is in the recording than ever before!
YMMV ;-) Enjoy the Music! D
I have all 7 of my waveguides up on Star Sound platforms and Audio points, as well as my power distribution, speakers and components.
I find this also critical to my sound.

Happy Holidays to all.
I've enjoyed the latest posts, Thanks.
I must wholeheartedly agree the HFC stuff is more that one could imagine.
My system is cleverly simple so I only need one digital, one interconnect and speaker cable for signal. I have 4 top of the line HFC power cords that make a bigger improvement that the signal cables. But the power cords are a higher level. I have two URH power cords and to Pro series power cords. my IC's are URH. The speaker cables are old UR's that i dream of upgrading to PRO series speaker cables some day when available.
I find that the higher up the line i go, the more unbelievably real it becomes.
High Fidelity product are ideal for a crazy audio nut like myself. I've never experienced such audio joy. For 35 years I had systems that would do more than just play all the notes.
Beyond just playing music there is a level of magic achieved by the most ardent audiophiles.
Depth, space and air start the list. Interactions with the record venue and the materials of the instruments become more pronounced. more and more subtle clues to the artist emotion and intent are apparent. Eventually the soundstage engulfs you and you are in the music.
My HFC wish list still includes a few more URH power cords, a pro speaker cable and a pro IC. anyone know where I can get $50K for more toys.

denon1, maybe you had it plugged in backwards!! Just kidding...

A quick look at the Triton power conditioner.. it has many different things going on in there including a grounding box.

Could be a mismatch somewhere.

As far as the progression of non-Reveal HFC cables. there have been changes in magnet size, strength and configuration as well as  differences in the wire alloy, and adding magnets in the ends of cables and cords.
I have found that the axiom- "more magnets makes more music", has been true in my research and usage of HFC items. One example is that adding a set of 4 of the original RCA adaptors to My PRO IC's was a big improvement. and adding MC-0.5's before my Pro power cords makes a big improvement.
pete, Wow 28 MC-0.5's! Only Rick uses more. (36)

 I have a double duplex outlet setup and I have used one 
orange straight 3 to 1 and one green "L" shaped to hold 6 mc-0.5's
and still be able to plug two other plugs in. I plug my system in one of the remaining open outlets and the other one plugs a short cord connected to another duplex outlet that has 2 each 3 to 1 orange 3 sided adaptors that I add another 6 MC 5s. I can easily add another dozen MC0.5's with some combination of the 3 types of 3 way adaptors.
My music is on and sounding so amazing!!! I hope you all get to hear
a system like this some day.
Kind of amusing to see folks explain how they misunderstand and misused a product then tell me how it dosent work. Amusing but
mostly annoying.
I never had a HF magnetic product not work or not get better over time.
I have tried almost all HFC stuff. It is perfect for me.
YMMV. If you don't like it don't keep it.
I wonder what others are hearing when they listen to a good audio system. Or if they have ever heard a good audio system.
I have listened to many expensive audio systems and I have heard some good music.. but I have only heard two really great sounding systems in 4 decades. Both were modern systems with High Fidelity Cables throughout .

benjie, thanks for the question! I have had most of the HF cables my system and have heard them in my friends systems many times as well.
These friends are mostly audio industry people who have great desire for the best audio.
THE Ct-1s were a real eye opener to a different sound, a cleaner more musical and lifelike than I'd heard before. That got me hooked!
I have spent most of my time and all of my money pursuing HF Magnetic products since this thread started.
 I have tried every level of HF products and agree with Roger
the the quality of each level is amazingly alluring. Each has taken me to a realm in audio I hadn't heard before. "Shockingly Superior" to quote a reviewer friend of mine.
In my system the power cords made the biggest improvement,
but that was comparing power cords from Ultimate to URH with cables of that same level. The Pro level is another story as the interconnects and speaker cables sound like they are from another universe!
Point is...each level up has bigger and more powerful magnets because of the theory that the more magnets you add, the more amazing the sound gets. I have friends who have more magnetic stuff than I and their sound is more amazing.
I have 8 MC-0.5s which sounds better than 4.
I know folks who have 9, 11 and 18 of them. They all claim amazement.

shill is some involved in a swindle. no swindle here. just enthusiasm.
I see reactions from folks even though no one was mentioned in my post

IF You actually read into what I said as something aimed at you,
May I suggest that it may helpful for you to ask yourself why you thought that.
As for using my name in a post full of lies, I report abuse.
There are folks that go from thread to thread calling people shills and other names for the fun of it. You know what they are called.
ME, I'm listening to beautiful music as I type. Thanks to all of those who love music! Cheers D

rlawry, Hi, I have both the URH and The Pro power cables and would characterize the upgrades to be much more of the same. In that every time I add another HFC piece, I am amazed at how much better it is than the best sound I have ever heard. I add or upgrade another piece and BANG!! A whole other lever of undiscovered music and unimagined realism. As I experience the next level upgrade, the improvements seem to get vastly better than the previous upgrade. This week, by rewiring
my power distribution, I was able to free up one of my 2 URH pc's
and plug it into my Tune Bank. I could never have imagined how much more real and engulfing my sound is now. I use the 2 pro's, one to my power distribution box and the other to my integrated amp. My other URH is to my DSD DAC
I dream of the Pro Speaker Cables and how I might fit them in my room.
30 year mortgage sounds like a good way to afford them.  Cheers D

Rlawry, Hi Roger, I was looking for the YELLOWJACKET splitter you mentioned but  could not find online. 
Thanks for what you reported on your experimenting with The MC-0.5s.
I will try moving some of mine. I have 5 before the distribution and 3 in the distribution box.
One problem with daisy chaining these is the weight of all those 0.5s.
I have to support a 3 way splitter with three .5s so it dose not pull on the outlet.
I am thinking that using power cords to get to the outlet seems to limit the effect due to distance.
I have seen some "short cord" plugging strips that may work,.
I saw some 8 inch long "splitter power cords" which split into two that one could plug two 3 way outlets and 6 MC.5s.
I could make my own short splitter cord with better wire, and better plug and iec ends. maybe a 3 way cord splitter combo that holds 9 of the MC-0.5s!!
I only have 8 of the MC-0.5s now and I'm just paying off a new amp and DSD system so I have no money, but I hope to get my next 4
in a month or so.
Enjoy the music!!!     D

Rlawry, I built a splitter today using Furutech power cord wire (1 ft.)
Furutech latest best outlet NFC, a copper cord plug from ATL, 
a shallow outlet box. To this I added two 3 way splitters ( the kind that don't block the other outlet) orange from Lowe's with one straight out and one to either side. Just screw this to the wall and add six MC-0.5 mag filters.
They don't make 20 amp splitters that I could find because we can't connect several appliances to one line. But I was able to use very good quality parts to the splitters. This allows me to use all 8 of my MC-0.5s
at the wall outlet. more with a right angle splitter from Lowe's. I can always make one or two more split systems and add 6 more .5s for each one.
The Sound, after 5 hours of listening, with 8 mag filters at the wall outlet it seems to sound more real and 3D then with 3 in the power distribution box. Still early as the splitters can take 5 days to sound good. Also comparing absolutely ridiculous to absolutely ridiculous is harder that one might think.
It May be psycho-acoustics from a psycho-audiophile. But I will have a more definitive answer in a week. Will try to pm you some pics.
Cheers D
Ps. I would try to avoid parts that have surge protectors in them so I can have 12AWG wire straight thru for better connection.

Rlawry, Thanks very much for your report on the sound of MC-0.5 power filters BEFORE the power cords and distribution.
In my system that move was astounding.
With many days of break in yet to happen, it was shocking to hear such an amazing improvement.
I got a real education in quiet background as I thought my system was “black hole" quiet.
It was not! Not compared to this… I though I was hearing the performers suspended in space but compared to what I heard yesterday,
they were suspended in slight haze. Now there is nothing but the performance sitting there in front of me... WOW! NEVER heard this anywhere before!
The Bass, detail and dynamics are much better also.
Highs started out hard but improved nicely during my 8 hours of listening
Difficult aural pieces were so much clearer and more defined.  I could hear individual choir members and there diaphragms. SO beautiful are the harmonies now. I can feel the Bass more too.
I well report later about the refinement after break in.

benjie, Thank for you collaborative findings on the placement of the
MC-0.5s. I hope others try this and report their findings.
It make sense to me that filtering the power before the power cords might work better... but the sound must tell the story.
I've got about 70 hours on my six way splitter at the wall outlet.
It has progressively improved to a more refined, more live sound.
The clarity and detail were shocking right away as well as the power.
I now have to listen 3 to 6 db lower in volume to get the same level of sound as before. I think another week will really make it sing!
I'll report back soon. Thanks to those who have PM'ed me with questions and ideas! Cheers D

Calvinj, Glad you are getting some listening in again!
At this point my system is more alluring the the rest of my life so I am listening or thinking about listening all the time.
My system is on 18 hours as day a background music and listen closely
5 hours of those hours when I have time.
I too, love that inner detail stuff the HFcables give me.
I hope you get to hear my system and Norms sometime.
Enjoy the Music!! D

Yes, I agree that the sound is dramatically better with 8 MC-0.5s
at the wall where the power to the system comes from than with 5 at the wall and 3 in the distribution box. Much better in my system.
Mesmerizing here too.
Still testing different splitter combinations.

Benjie, I agree that demagnification products may help with unwanted electrical charge created magnetic interference, and that the permanent,
purposeful, magnetic arrays in HF products would not be negatively effected over time.
I used to demagnify the whole system with a disc demag unit and could hear the improvement but now, with all the magnetic stuff I have now, demagnifying doesn't seem necessary. I believe that with the magnetic control HFC stuff, it eliminates unwanted noise like IF and RF.

Most reviewers I have met (except Norm), even well respected ones, have little or no knowledge of how electronic items work. Most don't have a system even close to what some of us have. In a way, trusting a reviewer is like trusting a doctor just because he has MD in his title. 
These are flawed human beings like the rest of us.
A guy named Art described perfectly what MC-0.5s sound like Before they break in.
Art is a nice guy who can well describe what he hears with pretty words.
I am aware that he doesn't have the knowledge of magnetic conduction
products or how to use them properly and I mentioned that to him. 
The system he has would not impress or even interest me but Art is a good reviewer. It's just that reviewers, like all humans, are limited by personal circumstance and experience. I have reviewers over to hear my system and I help some improve their systems. They are all likable people, most have modest systems that don't satisfy my ears because they can not create  what I am used to hearing. (except Norm).
AS for the latest uproar... trolls be trolls! ;-)
Enjoy the Music!!! D

So many interesting posts! Thanks!
I've heard talk of power cord amperage issues but I have never experienced any negative issues, even when running the entire system thru one HFC PC.
I have heard the Tchaik 6 has waveguides in it. I know the people involved.
As I dream of a few PRO pieces , I have ordered a couple of MC 0.5's
as I have been told the are "stupid good" for the price.
They ship today!! I'll let you know.
I was think back a few years and remember how crazy folks thought I was with my descriptions of how amazing High Fidelity Cables were. Nice to see the over the years, that more people have gone crazy.
A friend, while listening to the latest improvements to my system said.
"this sh** is real"
Enjoy the music!
philipwu, some interesting facts about loosing magnetism.
Older steel and Alnico magnets were worse at loosing magnetism.
HFC uses the most powerful and expensive magnets made.

1. a permanent magnet can loose 1% in 10 years, 10% in 100years.

2. The "Curie" temperature for disrupting magnetism is about 400F.

3. opposing magnetic force can weaken a magnetic field and is used in
some industries to control the amount of magnetism. Not audio.
Best not to hook them up backwards for years. ;-) D