high power tube amps vs ss

I have always had low efficiancy speakers and had powerfull ss amps to power them. Now I see there are a number of tube amps in the 150 - 200 WPC range. My questions is: is there anything to be gained by switching to these higher power tube amps over ss amps?
In response to Mattmiller I agree there is something magical about a well executed 75wpc tube amp. Contrary to another post, I find many modern tubes quite good. In comparing NOS 6550 GE tubes, the Winged C had much better bass and none of the shrillness I find in the GE. The KT 120 is another fine tube. The Gold Lion Tubes have many fans. In response to the original post, connect with a local audio group and see who is willing to allow you to audition their gear or a dealer with a generous return policy. Jallen
When I was using a push pull 6550 amp the Winged-C served me well.Your suggestions for the OP are on the mark.
Csontos, as to your question toward French_fries, I will expound on guitar amplification for your edification. Guitar amplifiers have always been in mono form since inception.
French_fries, Twins are high power, but what a glorious tone!!
My 58' tweed champ @ 5 watts is loud for my apartment. It does one tone only, one I agree with, and the volume goes up to 12!
Yes, I'm aware of that. Hence my reference to a mono amp, specifically one intended for music playback. I was responding to his prior comparison. I'm thinking not a lot of effort is put into ss guitar amp design.