High Quality bi-amp-able full range speakers - choices?

I use 4 monoblocks to power my Artemis Eos 2.1 speakers and I am very happy.  However, I have had these speakers for a long while (6 years or so) and am looking around for what I might want to replace them with.  I seek full-range speakers that I can get for less than 20k used or new.

As I indicated I want to bi-amp these speakers, but it is fine if they already have powered bass modules with volume adjustability.   Most mid to high-end speakers don't allow for bi-amping these days and that is all fine but not my choice.  I like the sound of class d on the low frequencies and tubes for mid and top frequencies and would like to continue in that way.  I would like to keep my current amps (Jolida Fusion monoblocks, and Wyred 4 Sound mAmps).  I am sure that they provide plenty of power for any speakers suitable for my 19 x 20 x 13 ft room.

So far the only choices that I have found are TAD CR-1's, and Revel Ultima Salon 2.  I am sure there are many more but it is hard to see the speaker connections online.  Please give me more options.

ATC are up there with your other choices so far. Since you appreciate biamping you may consider to go fully active - the benefits of completely eliminating a passive crossover are not subtle...
Just recap the EOS tweeter to neutralize that cool ceramic sound and be happy.   It will be hard to find a pair of speakers that images as well as the EOS
I am not in the same $$$ league but my limited experience with Naim SBLs totally supports @shadorne : going active was a revelation!!! Do not know why it works, but removing passive x-over allowed SBLs to sing!!!
Zu and Rehm (sp?) have built in powered subwoofers. Zu can be biamped using your own amplifiers. Not sure about Rehm. Both are full range. I think that Audio Note ANE can also be biamped and are almost full range. I am sure that there are others.