High value floorstanders around $1k used

Hi, does anyone know what other speaker line has a comparable price/performance ratio to the Triangle line. I like the triangles, but really don't want to use a sub and I'd like the speakers to be black. Amp is Creek 5350R (75 wpc). Like to listen to jazz and would like to hear the string bass notes well. How about the Axioms M60ti? Room is medium size and close to wall placement will be necessary. Thanks.
Regarding Thiels, you can now find 2.2's at your price point used. They are very natural and transparent, and provide excellent bass extension and detail for the cabinet size and cost. They will work alright placed close to the front wall (no rear port), although the bass could get a little heavy overall depending on the room size and the amp being used. Been happy with mine since '97.
I agree with Subaruguru. I feel you would be better off to get a breat pair of monitors, and then perhaps add a subwoofer at a later date. I would suggest the green mountain audio europa's. The are a great sounding monitor.

See if any of the local dealers carry Castle Acoustics (a UK manufacturer). Their Pembroke model (slim floor stander) would be worth an audition. The US distributor for the line is/was (not certain anymore) May Audio Marketing, which is based near Niagara Falls.

The Pembroke's have tuneful (not exaggerated) bass and will work in small/medium rooms (also do fairly well close to the front wall, figure 12"-18").

The cabinet work is first rate and customer service from both the manufacturer and the distributor is top notch.
Andre: take a look at Kinima G2 from Zetagcorp in Toronto. These speakeakers are built with excellent craftsmanship, nice smooth nonfatiging highs, smooth midrange and deep tight bass. Go to www.Zetagcorp.com for info. They were a little more than what you want to spend ($1200?), about a year ago but are well worth it.
I also concur that a monitor is preferably at this pricing point--in fact, up to $3k i think they will outperform most floorstanders in similar price range.