Higher End USB Cables

Anyone tried/compared the newer high-end USB Cables (i.e. Locus Design Polestar or Ridgestreet model)? Curious if they're worth the $300+ price tag, particularly since Locus doesn't offer demo or return policy (can't speak to Ridgestreet). I do know there's differences in the cheap throw-away ones, much like different USB ports on the same computer.
Yeah, the Havana is a mighty nice DAC and the Off-Ramp Turbo3 is something I'm saving up for. Did you get Superclock 4 w/ it? And the mega battery?

I was gonna get the Kimber USB, but switched to Belkin after reading one of Stve's posts.

Hi -

looks like Opticis has formed a new company:

and that prices have gone up:

MMarvin - the source side plugs directly into my Mac - at the other end after the converter I have a USB A to B cable - haven't tried to see how much I can spend on that yet...

No concern about maintaining an unbroken fiber chain - once the DAC is isolated from the computer that's the end of any possible electrical interaction between the two
I really do like the Havana. I've had it for about two months. Steve actually tipped me off to it after I was ready to throw in the towel with computer audio (tried the Bel Canto DAC3 and owned the DAC1 for about 10 months). I was a bit of a skeptic about his Turbo 3, but it does what it's advertised to do. Pricey though. I didn't spring for the battery, just running it off my Hydra. Yes, it does have the superclock 4. To me it brings the Havana to a level comparable to the Benchmark DAC1 I used to own, so basically all the detail/dynamics of the Benchmark but the benefits of a NOS tube DAC. I didn't care for the DAC1 because of its brightness, but otherwise thought it was a good DAC (dealt with jitter pretty well).
Hey Mb9061,
I too am running the Havana dac and love it. I thought I'd mention that Ridge Street has a 40% discount promotion on their poiema usb cable, just in case you weren't aware of it. Check out their audiogon listing.

If you are just doing standard redbook, then I wouldn't spend more than $100 - any of the ones mentioned here will do you just fine. I use Kimber into a Cullen mod PS Audio DL3.

If, however, you are pushing higher resolutions, the quality of the cable becomes more important.