Hiss at very low volumes

OK, I know that this is way too low-end for the folks here, but I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere else.

I have a new HT-in-a-box (Sony DAV-C700) system. I went this route for a small living room, primarily for compactness - the whole thing in one box. The sound is OK, actually pretty nice for what it is.

But: I've noticed a very low level hiss in the speakers that are not playing (e.g., the center & surround speakers during 2-channel play). It's not audible except if I put my ear right up next to the speaker, or if the volume is turned down to one-notch-above off.

Is this a function of the digital amplifiers it uses? Or, just a function of a low-end system? Or, maybe I have a malfunctioning unit?

Any thoughts?

sounds like snakes to me. yep, definitely snakes (the chinese put them in the "cabinets" and laugh all day long, knowing they're manufacturing a supposed japanese product). too bad all us red-blooded americans are made to suffer this manifestation of a centuries' old cultural conflict. -cfb
Not to sound degrading, but that hiss is prevelent in many low end stereo products. Years ago I used to buy components at the wiz (sony receivers etc..) and no matter what I tried, that hiss was always there. You could try cleaning up your power, but you'ld probably be better off investing that money in better components.
I must say I've listened to the c-700 and for $700 it's a damn good unit.

I have two quick suggestions for you:

1)Jog down to a local best buy and purchase a Monster Cable surge supressor, just the cheapy $40 one it will provide some filtering as well protect your investment.

2)If you take a trip to Radio Shack you can also purchase RF chokes, they are little rectangular chunks of ferrite and cost $8 a pair, slap one on either end of the c-700's power cord and you achieve two things cleaner corrent and piece of mind.
Hey, just wanted to say "thanks" for the quick responses. I may try to clean up the power, but really, I never really hear it unless I am listening for it. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a defect!
