Holographic imaging

Hi folks, is the so called holographic imaging with many tube amplifiers an artifact? With solid state one only hears "holographic imaging" if that is in the recording, but with many tube amps you can hear it all the time. So solid state fails in this department? Or are those tube amps not telling the truth?

"09-28-08: Unsound
Convincing, no?"

Unsound, I am not surprised. This whole discussion is meaningless of you evaluate amplifiers based on talk and specs. We could just narrow it down to my amplifier is 0.002 % and yours is 0.02 % and therefore mine is 10 times better. Of course it does not work this way or we would all be buying our gear from catalogs.

I have never nor will I ever design a “black box” gadget that will intentionally tamper with the true embedded phase relationships for the purpose of faking the apparent depth, stage or placement of objects within a given “scene”.

I know that I am unconventional when it comes to designing audio gear. After all conventional thinking will always give you conventional results. I think it is also safe to say that I am the only designer in the audio market that has taken such a radical approach to new amplification techniques. I know that I am the only one who has gone after the ROOT cause for distortion. IOW fixing the problem at the SOURCE not after it has already been allowed to exit the circuit. Oh, did I mention that I have been after this for nearly 2 decades? And, much like Edison I can show you 900 circuits that didn’t work. I have lived in 4 homes in the past 20 years and every one had a laboratory. Call me stubborn – but I knew before I got anywhere close to finding the culprit that it was there all along.

Newsflash – like it or not Doppler **is** responsible for ALL distortion byproducts in amplifiers.
Someday I will have more patience to take you through the process an inch at a time.

If you don’t think an amplifier can electronically change the “pitch” of a signal – how do you account for 2khz energy leaving a circuit fed by 1khz signal?

I guess what I’m saying is you build ‘em your way and I’ll build ‘em my way. Ultimately it is in the ear of the beholder. Let the free market decide.

Roger, you may or may not have discovered an interesting phenemonon. I am not convinced that you have made such a discovery by the case you have presented. I am even less convinced that you have developed a suitable cure, and that just might be the crux of it for me. I do look foward to auditioning the H-Cat.
Are we talking about time induced distortion (TID)?

Last time I heard about TID was in the manual for the Mission 777 amp of the 80's. That designer attacked the problem with an abundant power supply, local feedback instead of global, very wide open bandwidth and a slew rate that has only been bettered since in OTL and possibly some switching amps. Possibly, the best manual ever. Wish I made a copy.

That amp was ahead of it's time and incredibly dynamic but didn't come near the detail of modern amps, probably due to the evolution of parts.


It also reminds me of the difference between redbook CD vs SACD and DVD-A. There are time issues there that are not directly related to jitter or sampling rates.

Anyway, despite the inevitable obtuse answers, there is room for an open mind.
Roger says "Let the free market decide".

Couldn't agree more.

The market decided on Edsel, New Coke, Betamax, etc.

RIP cat.
I've read many posts where requests have been made to explain cable "technology", so I don't agree that it's been given a pass

Yes but there is always an army of followers out there ready to jump to the defense of even the most dubious scientific claims for amazing differences between cables - (where no electrical science has gone before - cryogenic treatments - you name it - the wackier the cable theory the better it would seem!)

So why not Herr Doppler effects?