How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
I'm definitely interested. $65 is quite a lot of money to test one CD, however, so I'm waiting for more input from others.
I contacted George Louis and he responded today by e-mail. While he said he could make me a copy, he said that he really would rather not take the time away from filling confirmed orders. That's understandable, and he indicated he was very busy. But there is no return policy on the duplicator. Is anyone willing to make me a copy if I send you a check for a reasonable amount (maybe $25)? Thanks...$600 is a bit much for me, for something so new - and for something it is not possible to audition.

- a follow-up. George 2.0 is taking the world by storm! I've made 5 copies of my discs my way and have sent them to Mr. Louis. He is making copies of the same originals his way, then sending the whole shmear back to me. I should have all of it back next week.
In Issue 16 (November/December 2004) of Positive Feedback, Clark Johnsen wrote about the RealityCheck system in "The Biggest News You May Ever Read". In one particular section of the article, Mr Johnsen writes about George's CD burning policy:

1) Send him your CDs to be done at $25 a pop. You get back the original and the copy postpaid. I say thatÂ’s too expensive, but maybe the price will come down.

The present $65/CD fee represents a 160% increase. In my opinion, this is outrageous. I don't care how damn good the new CD is supposed to sound, when the price of admission to test the results increases 160%, then I'll pass thank you. Furthermore, if one reads Mr. Johnsen's article, one will learn that it was possible to have a single RealityCheck CD made for $5. So, now we are talking about a 1200% increase in the price to have a sample RealityCheck CD burned.

No thanks.
I own the RealityCheck, and IMHO it's every bit as good as the press says it is. I've NEVER heard a tweak that makes this kind of positive difference to a CD--and, believe you me, I've tried more CD tweaks than any sane person would ever try. Of course, if the CD is poorly mastered to begin with, you'll probably hear more of that on the burned disc, though I haven't come across that situation yet. George's ClearDisc and ClearBit solutions, which you apply prior to burning, make a big difference, too.