How do you know if your amp is putting out @ Rated Wattage ?

I just bought a Rotel 1095 (200W X 5) through ebay to replace my Rotel RSX 1065 (100W X 5 Receiver that I was using as an amp through Pre-Out In).

Upon playing the new amp I can feel the 1095 to have slightly higher volume levels than the 1065 but dont feel it is putting out DOUBLE the power of the 1065. (I am able to increase the volume to level 80 / 100 and dont feel it is to be super loud..) 

What would be the best way to ensure the new amplifier that it is working properly and putting out the rated 200W ?

Thanks in advance for the guidance
PS - All channels are working and amp is running cool.

it simply does not mean you'll be twice as loud. you're only increasing the sound level by 3db every time you double the power. 
you should definitely get more bass out of your speakers and if not, perhaps you might shop for another more heavier and more full-range speakers.

Upon playing the new amp I can feel the 1095 to have slightly higher volume levels than the 1065 but dont feel it is putting out DOUBLE the power of the 1065.
Just an gain difference between the two amps, don’t worry about it.
Look at the specs of both to see the difference in "input sensitivity" for the given full output before clipping.

Cheers George
The only way to tell how much power it is putting out is to measure it. You would need a signal generator, a large resistor for a dummy load, and either a volt meter or an oscilloscope to measure the output.