How do you negotiate a cure for wrong audio view

It is a shame when our art degenerates into 'hobby'. To let the mind stray from the wonderous pregnancies of the composer or performer's works into mere material quest for sonic reproduction is sad indeed. Now mind you, I love the pursuit of sonic excellence same as the next audiophile, but when my mind looses the 'big picture' of the art I become reduced to a mere 'hobbyist', which for me is a sad feeling indeed. My remedy is a total shift in view: from the deaf equipment to the animate speaking beauty conveyed by the mere devices. When I recognize that I am spending my time thinking about the 'machines' I hopefully remember to LISTEN, THINK, APPRECIATE, and disappear into the magic of sound. What do you do with this inevitable problem?
my criterion for evaluating stereo systems is timbre. some stereo systems are more inaccurate than others in reproducing timbre.

yet, i would not apply the words "right" and "wrong", when evaluating stereo systems.

the words "right" and "wrong" apply only to behavior judged against a standard of morality.

there are other words relevant to matters of "sound". "right" and "wrong" are not two of them.

perhaps, it is a semantic issue here, but i prefer "inaccurate" to describe the performance of a stereo system.

Thus, when comparing two stereo systems , with respect to the reference, live music, one is less inaccurate than another.
agreed, and yes timbre is an excellent criterion and yes it does boil down to semantics basically our little squabble here and accuracy or lack thereof with respect to a live reference is certainly preferable to "right" or "wrong".
Peace and happy listening,
I smell an "Audiophilia" documentary brewing!! Any budding filmmakers out there want to pursue this subject? I base this suggestion on Alan Zweig's 180 minute documentary entitled "Vinyl" about the quirky world of record collecting. Worth the watch if you can find it.
Hi Hitman,
It's been done. Just take an eye- and earful here:
Shows very nicely how wonderfully nuts we all are....
It's been done. Just take an eye- and earful here:
Shows very nicely how wonderfully nuts we all are....

Nice link Detlof. Some darn nice gear. Did you see the shock on their wifes' faces when the topic of how much they'd spent was discussed!? I bet once the camera stopped rolling, there was some continued discussion!