how does rogue zeus compare cat or atma-sphere?

I was wondering if anyone has compared rogue's flagship model Zeus with the likes of cat or atma-sphere. Is the rogue a total giant killer or is it not in the same league as those mentioned above. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Optarchie,I'm puzzled.Your system is exceptional.What dont you like about the Claytons
I have had solid state my whole life and want to try something new or different. I have had or borrowed numerous tube amps before but only for a short period of time. I am moving to a new home and I will be putting up my claytons and the hovland up for sale soon here on audiogon. These are exceptional pieces and I may end up buying them again but I definately want to go the tube route.
If I recall correctly your speakers although sensitive dips below 4 ohms.This would create a potential problem with all but the very best high powered,high current tubed amps.
Be sure to listen to all candidates in the comfort of your listening room.Best of luck
If they remain flat at 8 ohms I would consider the atmasphere ma1 mk2.3 or the ma2's (more power) very seriously; it may be worth a call to talk with Ralph from atmasphere; he is a great source of info and won't jam his gear down your throat; as this has been my direct experience.