How many sets of speaker cable?

Not a question of life and death for me at this point, just out of curiosity, how many sets (pairs) of speaker cables you can connect to your integrated amplifier? My Marantz Pm 11s2 ( has outputs for 2 sets which is perfect for my system, since I need separate cable to tweeter/midrange and woofer, so I'm using one regular set and one bi-wire. But I see a lot of integrated with only 4 outputs instead of I missing something? Could such integrated amps be unusable in my system? Thank you all
Just to be sure, does your Marantz amp has a selectable "speaker A" and "speaker B" option? For integrated amps that have two sets of speaker terminals, usually they are meant for hooking up two pairs of speakers that are to be used in different rooms. I used to own an Arcam Alpha 10 integrated that comes with two sets of speaker terminals and it has a button on the front panel that enables switching between "speaker A" and "speaker B".
You're right, you can select between 2 speaker system. In my case, switching between "speaker A" and "speaker B" just means listening to tweeter/midrange or bass woofer.
One other consideration here is, the amplifier section. Does the Marantz amplifier sound better as a selected A or B or will the performance be comprimised when running both at the same time. You may already have made that comparision but it may actually perform better when the power supply only has to power two cahnnels instead of four. Just a thought.