How many with analog rigs only?

I recently moved into a new house. My system consists of OL Aurora TT, Musical Fidelity int. amp, NAD cde player and tuner. I really only listen to lps so I didnt setup th other components-just an amp and TT. I like it and I dont intend to add a cd player anytime soon (I will listen to cds in the car). How many of you listen to TT only, at least for your main/critical listen pleasure?
All vinyl, all the time now. I do plan on setting up my horn system with digital only.
Look.... Cds are fine for casual listening..lets say having a dinner party or entertaining I will put on cds for convenience. Being a control junky with my analogue rig I would not want to get food,alcohol,any foreign matter on my lps while entertaining/cooking, or let others control this delicate matter. When I want critical listening I will always opt for vinyl rig. For shear convenience and stress free listening....put on the cds man!!
same here, clearaudio concept , arcam integrated amp and grado phones. for when i really want to listen, otherwise isnt it all backround music anyway? imo.
I run the Amadeus from Well Tempered Labs. For CD, I have one from a very reliable company out of Japan. It's called "The Accord" by Honda.
Analog only. I got rid of the CDP when I needed extra space in my rack. That was two years ago. Haven't missed it yet. I recently built a new stand, it has some space and I've had no desire to reinstall my CDP.

I used to be able to read while listening. No longer. I simply can't listen to the system as background. I just get lost in the music and don't think about or want to do anything other than listening.