How much does your system retail for?

$23,000 - $24,000 I estimate. (Two channel, this does not include TV, VCR, etc.)

Please, keep the exagerations to a minumum, do not count CD's, equipment you have bought and sold, is packed away that you don't use anymore, etc..

Put the total first so it shows up at the begining of your post.

This is just for fun and curiosity of the diversity on here, don't take it to seriously. Simply evaluate what the retail value of your system is.
HT/2ch hybrid: ~34,000 (i added up 33,820 but i know i'm forgetting a ton of small-but-expensive little things like PCs, brackets, labor on some in-wall wiring, etc)... god, i often think i'd rather have a (slightly) used porsche boxter s or ///m3 coupe, but every time i get home and really listen, i realize you can listen to music in your car but you can't be MOVED by it, no matter how fun the vehicle... i like to think in the terms of those master-card ads:

Home Theater: $35,000
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring Special Edition: $35
Pizza (including delivery): $15

Feeling the hair raise on the back of your neck: Priceless :D
Around $80k for my 2 ch, plus another $38k for HT. I bought most of the 2ch pre-owned from AG, but mostly new for the HT gear when I first started. Thank god I have learnt.
Can't believe I've never seen this thread before! Ok here goes: $17,700, the good news being actual expenditures are about $8240. Thank God for Audiogon!
Just including the main system that is used for 2-channel music reproduction only the retail replacement cost would be within a few $s of $40k. This is a staggering sum in my opinion, as this excedes the cost of my two cars.