How much power is to much power?

When is an amp overkill for a speaker? More specifically, I have 91db speakers and I'm considering two SS amps, one 140 watts and the other 200 watts. Are they both too much? Is it too much simply because you're paying for extra power but don't need it, or because it's a detriment to the overall system sound?

Audiograils, Audiofool does not care what others think of him and his posts. He is the authority and knows all. It is best to just ignore him, but I must say that I find it difficult to follow my own advice.
Some funny posts here! I don't understand how an amp can have too much power, when you can control it!! I find a more powerful amp is like comparing a Porsche to a family sedan. They will both get you to 60mph, but the Porsche will do it more efficiently with a lot less effort. Certainly, you shouldn't push the amp beyond the capacity of the speakers, but more power is a good thing, in the right hands!
"When is an amp overkill for a speaker?"

I guess the simple answer is: when it overdrives or fries the speakers.

Practically, however, in most cases fried speakers are a result of not enough power resulting in clipping. And, if the speaker is being over driven at a volume you like, then get another pair of speakers.
Good analogy Cyclonicman. It's very informative to go out back at many Porsche dealers to see the latest rolled up in a ball because some idiot thought it'd go around any curve at any speed. MOST drivers are not qualified to drive a Porsche at speed.

Maybe most audiophiles don't have sufficient sensitivity to set the volume control properly. Frying speakers is shouldn't happen if amps are used with care and levels are set at musical levels.
