How significant is a power cord upgrade?

I've got a Primaluna integrated tube amp and I'm considering upgrading the power cord. How significant is it compared to upgrading speaker cords and interconnects? Just wondering if I'll notice the same positive effects.
03-07-07: Newbee
...I have a bit of difficulty accepting the admonishon from some one who was willing to give the controvery life by making a positive indorsement to the tweek knowing its history.
I don't know what this means or to what post it refers. Sorry.

I am all in favor of sharing positive experiences with tweaks (power cords, interconnects, speaker cable, isolation devices, etc), or sharing experiences with tweaks that were negative, or showed no benefit.

What I take issue with is posts that bait people with "show me", or "prove it", or "I know you are but what am I?".

If you find something that works in your system with your ears, then share it. If you try something that doesn't work as expected, then share that also. But in either case, I propose that we share our experiences without insulting or baiting those with opposite viewpoints. Stating the specific gear with which the tweak was used is helpful, too.



After going through a bunch of pretty good equipment, I have yet to hear cables that have the sonic impact of an upgrade to my source, preamp, amp or speakers. I have had good luck with the previously mentioned Belden cord, the Asylum cord (Belden or Volex with better ends), the VH Audio cords, and some home brew cords using the VH Audio wire, and special shielding/vibration damping material with high quality ends. Before I would venture into the $500+ PC territory, I would try to have everything else dialed in first, including speaker cables and IC's. To answer your specific question, I would start at the lower end and work upward. You can't really hurt anything going with the Belden/Volex or Asylum cords, and those should be an upgrade to your stock cords. Another tip is to clean and polish the ends of whatever cords you use. Deoxit and ProGold, or Brasso should work well. I would also suggest borrowing a higher priced cord from a buddy just to see if you notice a difference, before spending big bucks on one.
"How significant is a power cord upgrade?"

In my experience, less than that you'll get by addressing the room acoustics.
I would like to clarify my initial post:
03-06-07: Tvad
Every improvement in audio has its genesis in power delivery. Better power delivery results in better sound.

First, I have heard the Prologue 2 at several demonstrations. I do not own one personally.

Second, my comments regarding power delivery (comprised of power supply, power conditioning, dedicated AC lines, and power cords) are made having experienced the benefits in my own system on several components including: Modwright Sony 999ES Signature Platinum, APL Philips SACD1000, APL Denon 3910, Electrocompaniet EMC 1-UP modified by Empirical Audio, Exemplar Denon 3910, Exemplar Denon 2900, VAC Phi 110, First Sound Presence Deluxe II, Modwright SWL9.0SE, Lamm LL2 Deluxe, Moscode 401HR.

Several of the components above were modified. The first area addressed in the modifications were the power supplies. Furthermore, I have experimented with a wide variety of power cords on each component. The price range of the power cords was $7 - $1500 retail. The differences I heard were not necessarily commensurate with the prices of the cords.

On each amplifier, for example, simply increasing the wire gauge to 9 awg from the stock power cords, which were typically 14 awg, made a significant difference in the size of the image, and in the natural, grain-free quality of the sound.

Why this is true, I cannot say. It's what I observed.

The question of the degree of significance of a power cord upgrade (or change) can only be determined by the individual listener, because some listeners observe benefits and others do not. There is no right or wrong, IMO.

I hope this helps to clear things up.
Science or snake oil. The jury remains out on esoteric power cables. Ever wonder why the likes of manufacturers such as Krell, Pass Labs, Levinson and others, do not supply esoteric power cords? Makes one wonder in a way. After all what those products cost and few dollars more is of zero consequence to provide a power cable,other than what is usually supplied. Although I use aftermarket power cords myself for amp,preamp and CDP. For me where I live is more of self survival. Seeing as Florida Power & Light continue to struggle with their service after the hurricanes of 2004, and 2005. Power cords I have used is DH Labs, Audioquest,PS Audio and Shunyata. And at times have returned to the cable that came with the unit.

I think to get a good idea of what a power cable is faced with, we need to visit the Nelson Pass white paper on Power Supplies. link below.

In this paper we see the end delivery and what the power cable is actually faced with in certain amplifiers and the components used in those products, such as transformers, capacitors,etc. Interesting reading at the very least.