How to clean gunky CDs

Years ago Cd's in box sets used to be packed with foam inserts holding Cd's in place. I probably should have removed the inserts at that time because now I find that some of them have deteriorated to the point where they leave a sticky substance and bits of foam on the non-playing side of the CD.

I have tried plain soap and water, alcohol, and even lighter fluid. Nothing removes this gunk and I don't want to insert the CD in my player and risk gumming up the mechanism. Any recommendations as to how to remove this gunk would be appreciated?
Whatever you try, do it first on a blank CD or a CD you don't care about, particularly if you're going to try a solvent as powerful as Acetone.

I, too, would have recommended Goo-Gone or one of the similar citrus based cleaners. WD-40 dissolves some kinds of adhesives and might be worth a try. You might combine the solvent with a Magic Eraser pad, followed by a good plastic polish.

Test first.
Acetone? That will melt a CD. It dissolves the polycarbonate. Isopropyl or methanol (limited contact) will work.
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