How to make sound less detailed with warmth?

Hello All,

I am quite new to audio stuff... just been listening to my current set up for about a year.

CD Player: RCD-1072
Preamp: Sonic Frontier SFL-1
Poweramp: BK M-200 Sonata Series
Speaker: Thiel 1.3
Cable: Not sure...

I liked detailed sound at first but now I am more into musical and warm sound. It becomes a pain when I listen to violin on my current system. So my question is which part should I change to make my system sound more musical?

One more question: My BK M-200 Power amp just died on me. Is it a wise decision to send the unit back to B&K or get it fixed here?!?! Please let me know.

Thank you!
There are plenty of people who have tame their Thiels. I agreed, it is way easier to get rid of the them than dealing with all the work and money to get them to sing. But isn't that what audiophiles do anyway, regardless if they own Thiels or not, spend time and money on their rigs?

I ageed wtih the above post, since you are replacing your amp anyway, start with that before selling the Thiels. Room treatment is a must, regardless what speakers you are running. As far as replacing cables, I like Harmonic Tech cables with Thiels.

Anyway, here are a few things you can do before upgrading any of your components.

/ dedicated lines
/ room treatment
/ good audio rack

These few things will make any system better.
Good Luck!
Tubemiser is spot on. 1)Room treatment 2)Clean up your AC 3)Vibration control (a good rack and various feet to choose from).
In amps and preamps, the mechanism that contributes most to a situation of harsh detail is emphasis of the odd-ordered harmonics that the ear uses as loudness cues.

These harmonics tend to be emphasized by transistors and the use of global negative feedback. So if a warm sound is desired, that will be an important step- limiting those influences in the system.

Generally this means tubes, although it does not have to- Nelson Pass' First Watt amps are examples. But one thing is sure- if a move to such amplifiers is made, the speakers will have to go, as they will be incompatible with the power amplifiers (tube or solid state) that can do the job right.

For more info see: