Hsu or yamaha sub?

I've been looking for a reasonably priced sub to match with my Thiel CS.5's. I don't want to spend a lot of money, yet I don't want to sacrifice quality.
The VTF-2 and Yst-800 seem to be the two hot subs for $500 or less.
Has anyone matched these to a quality pair of speakers for a stereo setup? How did they sound? Any suggestions would be helpful.
I plan on connecting this sub to my preamp out on my Arcam Alpha9.
I would get the HSU. Another decent new under $500 subwoofer is the Monitor Audio ASW-110.

Used you might find a REL Q100E or Stratus II for a little over $500.

I have both a hsu and a yamaha. I don't have the yst800, but the reviews are really good on it. The yamahas I've heard indeed sound good. In the end, I would have to go with the Hsu subs. Really, really deep bass. The only fault I can really find is that they can be overdriven easily.Idon't think you could go wrong with either. Hope this Helps.
You cannot possibly go wrong with the hsu. I have used it favorably against subs three times the cost. I have not used the Yamaha, but I am sure you will like the Hsu. good luck.