I'm looking for thoughts on the Tyler Acoustics...

Linbrook System II's. I currently own Soliloquy 6.2's and I am looking for a speaker with a more extended top end and some extra punch in the bottom registers. My current equipment is a Sonic Frontiers Power II SE, Sonic Frontiers Line 1 SE and a Krell SACD Standard. I listen to just about everything with an emphasis on Jazz, blues and Classic rock. For those of you who have heard these speakers, how would you describe their sound? I am looking for a little more detail then what my current speakers are offering. Thanks for any help.
If you're talking about the one-piece Linnbrook with two 8-inch woofers, and the tweeter surrounded by the two 7-inch mid ranges on top, as opposed to the two piece monitor-on-top-of bass module (all same drivers but rear ported) I can make some comments. I have the two piece system. I would get the one piece system if I had a smaller room - the bass modules on the two-piece system are rear ported and so deep (in dimension) that the front of the speaker (and monitor) needs to end up being something like at least 6-8 feet from the back wall, otherwise the bass is very heavy.
That said, obviously I like these speakers because I own them. I actually have three monitors for front and the two big ones in the back for a surround system (for 5-channel I only play the 5 monitors).
Anyway, they are coherent but you need to get yourself about 7-8 feet away from them at least for good driver integration. So again, big room. They still sound good up close though, which is always the hall mark of a good speaker. Bass is not overpowering - if some makers sacrifice quality for 'boom,' Tyler goes the oppposite way. Bass quality is excellent, and with good recordings you will feel it hit your chest. The mid range and treble is really outstanding. And as mentioned before you can get away with cheaper electronics, though these will sing better and better the more you feed them with better stuff. As for build quality, assuming pure weight is a good factor in deciding speaker quality, see how many 150 lb speakers you can find out there for less than 10 grand... if you would like more specifics feel free to email me. I suppose I should mention that I am on Ty's home-demo list for peopple that want to listen before buying.
I recently picked up a pair of Linbrook monitors. (Basically this monitor uses the middle three drivers from the Woodmeer). I am running them with an UltraVerve preamp and a little Music Reference 35 watt tube amp.

Very natural and musical. Full sound as well - Linda Ronstadt w/ Nelson Riddle filled the room with Linda's voice center stage with power and incredible clarity.

The Linbrooks replaced a pair of Proac 2.5's which are very non-fatiging speakers. The Linbrooks are equally easy to listen to but reveal a lot more detail.

BTW - Ty himself is about the nicest person to deal with around.

Good luck.

The other point of difference (if you are comparing the Sonata II to the III) is that the II uses SEAS drivers (like the Tyler), and the III uses Dynaudio. VERY different sound between the two.
And I'm still planning on coming up for a visit!
Hope you're well,
Boa2, FWIW, when I was considering the III's I was running my Jubilee/Jems which have Dynaudio drivers - thats what attracted me to the III's in the first place. I was unfamilar with the Seas drivers capabilities. I had noted that the Silverlines started out with Dynaudio but had to change to Seas when Dynaudio stopped selling them to speaker builders (and Madisound). I was somewhat cynical of the conversion to Seas by Alan in the II's, although that was probably totally unfounded. Although apparently Dynaudio has relented somewhat and Alan has reverted. And yes, the sound of the drivers, at least in an A/B comparison between the JJ's and the Tylers, is very different.
Sorry, Newbee. I realize that I should have been complete in my response. I happen to love the sound of the Sonata III. I just thought that the II (or the Tyler's) would answer more readily to Gsselling's stated preferences.