I need a pre-amp with a mc amp.

I have a Classe'Four pre-amp.I think it may be the weak link in my system.I'd like to get something in the 2500-3000 (CDN) range that would be a noticeable improvement. The stuff that I've heard and liked(Ayre, Blue Circle) either don't have a phono stage or are a little out of my price range.I'd appreciate any advice.
My system includes: Linn LP12,Troika cartridge
Arcam Cd92
Castle Howard speakers
Classe' Ten amp
Transparent Super interconnects
Linn K400 speaker cable
I usually listen to rock and roll, blues and Vinyl is by far my favourite for listening.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Look at the TAD-150 pre. It has both MM and MC amp. Price is $1299 standard add $238 for signature ( U.S.) You can see it at www.2baudio.com. Paul is very helpful and knows his stuff. I have the sig version and couldn't be happier.
I would look at the audible illusions M3A with the optinal john curl designed gold MC phono board. Great sound (amazing for the price) should be able to find one for 1200 used with the phono board.
Beware that the Audible Illusions can be picky about NOS tubes as the unit runs tubes very hot. Used VTL Ultimate is a better preamp than the Audible Illusions anyway, but costs more. This is a seriously good unit that can be fitted with a factory installed tubed phono section for not a whole lot of money.

A used Airtight is an excellent choice, too, and I think there is one for sale right now. It has a phono section, too; think the model is ATC 1.

A Decware is a fantastic unit but is limited to two inputs. The use of only two inputs is done for a cleaner signal path. Decware also provides you with a 30 day money back guarantee so you can try them out.