I opened both MIT and Transparent netwks

I have opened both MIT and Transparent networks to see what was in them. In both cases, it was very similar. In both, I found an inductor, capacitor, and a resistor. They were connected between the signal and ground in a novel way. Both were encased in an epoxy or glue that I had to break to see what was in it. The wire in both networks appeared to be just simple copper wire, and the soldering work was sloppy and ugly. It made me very upset. However, I do think that both MIT and Transparent make very good cables- the MIT's excel in bloom and soundstaging while the Transparents allow a deep silence between notes- a very low noise floor. BTW, I have also cut open a transparent reference digital interconnect, audioquest corals, NBS, and Cardas twinlinks and hexlinks. The Cardas had amazing workmanship and wonderful soldering in even their cheapest cable.

Which Transparent cables did you open up? One might expect lower level workmanship in an entry level cable, such as a Transparent MusicLink 200. If that level of workmanship was in a upper end cable, such as an Ultra XL, it would be an entirely different matter.
Hi Troy,

What model of the MIT and Transparent cable did you take apart?

what did you find in the nbs i understand they are belden wire. if they werent so expensive I would cut one open rudbern
Any one ever cut open an Oscar Wiener? I am affraid to ask what's in them ;-) Seriously though, please let us know if you ever gut open Synergystics Research's Designer Ref. speaker cable. Refering a recent about the SR des. ref. cable, I was wondering how long it would take you to cut the thick cables.
Troy, what did you find in the NBS cable? What model did you open up? You are just the person I have been looking for.