I've come to the realization...

I want cables that will give my ears a rest.

I've come to the realization that my ears are rather sensitive (to the point of pain) to what some other audiophile listeners and reviewers find exciting and acceptable. I like to listen to the music firstly.

I work as a concert piano technician I am privilaged to be exposed, up close and personal, to real and actual top-notch instruments both American and European.

Over the years, piano voicing has become my specialty, and I am now sought after for this service. I find that some of my most discriminating clients and institutions completely defer to me for the voicing of their instruments.

All this to say that my ear is highly trained and very skilled in reference to actual instruments.

Also, some years ago, I retailed audio in a high-end store in the SF Bay area. Some of our brands were CJ, Rowland, Quad, Apoggee,Thiel, Benz, Koetzu, SME, MIT, etc.

Last year, I decided to upgrade my speakers from the original Quad ESL to the then critical darling the Gallo Reference III. To my ears, this speaker is better in most ways that I care about.

Having first broken-in and then listened to my speakers in several venues, and with a great variety of inputs and amplification, I have concluded that the reviewers of the Gallo speaker must be using better cables than I am, or must have a high tolerance for a shrill and tipped up tonal balance.

Putting tubes behind me, I was an early adapter (before the hype) of the NuForce monos, and I feel that these amps currently represent one of the very best values in amplification and is not considered to be a "bright sounding" amplifier. I found the sound of the top-end of these amps to be smoother than my EL-34 based reference tube amplifier.

When using a preamp, I insert the Sonic Euphoria autoformer PLC, a component known for its neutrality.

I have used vinyl and tube CD players as sources with the Gallos and the tonal signature is never completely relaxing to me. Currently I am using the Squeezebox 3 for a source, with a modified linear power supply.

For speaker cabling, I started out with some OCOS, then tried Alpha Core M1-2, and in a quick attempt to save my hearing, switched to some almost 20-year-old MIT 750. It helped.

As interconnects, I have experimented with using Ven Haus Pulsars. A great value, Chris's product transparently spotlights the midrange, and has great bass and dynamics, but features little depth, and is still much to lively for me. I tried original MIT 330 (not very transparent by today's standards, but coherent tonally and good soundstaging, I'm sure the MIT sound has come a long way since 1988). And I tried Magnan Signature (fabulous soundstaging and tonality but alas, compressed dynamics).

I still need something much smoother or laid back in the 5-10k hz range than any of these designs, + added warmth in the lower midrange wouldn't hurt either. And, I want great dynamics.

Cardas Golden Cross and Golden Reference seem to be a common suggestion for taming brightness and hardness and providing a smooth and warm tonality. MIT also has this reputation. For my buget, used these cable are still cost prohibitive. Zu is cheaper, and is voiced for Zu speakers, which are decribed as being somewhat forgiving in the highest octaves.

Any lower cost solutions? Interconnects in the >$200-300 used range. Speaker to $400 or so. What have you found.

Experience valued over conjecture, or the parroting of reviewers.
Thanks for your help,

for the music,
A solar system w/ a true sine wave inverter & capacitor module will produce better electricity than any utility will provide. All you need after that is to work on a star grounded system for delivery, parallel noise filtration and maybe digital filtration. Read the archives & experiment.

I wear cotton insulated silver, even in winter. Call Robert for proper sizing...
Look no further than the Outlaw website and try their PCA's. They made my system too laid back and warm, but they might be just what you need. They add weight and warmth to the sound.

I also very highly recommend you take a listen to the Naim CDP's. I've been through many, including the SACD path, and these are just incredibly musical. I have their entry level model CD5i. Never listen to my SACD's any more and am completely satisfied with my source.

It's a real task finding the proper synergy of a system. I just replaced my Monster Mi4's with the Alfa Gore M1-2's and in my system they work very well. Just a little shallow in bass and sound stage depth, but the detail, dynamics and realism are very good. Not shrill or etched at all with my speakers (Energy Veritas 2.3i).

However, I don't think I could use them with a Nordost cable or things would go overboard on the bright (shrill) side. I had the Nordost Blue Heaven's in my system, but even with the Monster cables they were just too etched. Sounded great with the rite recordings, but I could not stand to listen to others. Maybe too accurate; if that's possible. Also, like the Gore's, they collapsed the soundstage a bit. I'm starting to think this might be characteristic of the flat design cables. Dunno?

On the Naim forum many folks recommended the Chord Chrysalis, a modest cable by most standards, and they did the trick for me.

The one thing I'm still looking for that I haven't been able to accompish is getting the weight that a real piano or horn has. I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm thinking this is probably due to my amplification (Oulaw Model-755 multichannl amp), but I'm not sure.

Anyhow, the cables are very reasonably priced and easy to sale if they don't work for you. Let us know how things turn out.
It's been several weeks...

and I have had a chance to try the Speltz Anti-IC's that were so highly recommended.

I was very impressed by the sound: Overall, very cohesive top to bottom, no areas of the spectrum highlighted, same with dymamics very integrated presentation. Very tight bass, these cables would be my first choice for driving a subwoofer amp. I suppose they would only get better with more burn in...

Problem is, the used Cardas Golden Cross I purchased here arrived the next day. Now, what would you expect from a cable that retails for 5 to 6 times the price if the Anti-IC? Used, these cables are at the very top of what I would spend on cables. Personally, I didn't know what to expect, I had never auditioned a Cardas product in my system. I had always wanted to hear them, and wondered how they would stack up against newer offerings.

My opinion? They are worth it! Superbly dynamic, with beautiful tonality that compliments my digital front-ended system well. Great trasparency, transients sharp without calling attention to speed. Soundstaging on a par with the effect of the introduction of a tubed preamp to the system. In fact the sound of these cables reminds me of what I love about tubes; eminently satisfying to listen to for hours.

Cardas Golden Reference, a great product, and one I consider a classic.
I'm keeping them.

Thanks to everyone for your help, expertise and assistance.
I'm confused, Earthpulse. You mention Cardas Golden Cross early in your post, and then Cardas Golden Reference at the end of your post. Which do you own?