I wanna rock -- with monitors on stands

I am currently running 2012 Reference 3A MM de Capo i's sitting on 26 inch four post Sound Anchors. My front end is a VPI Classic 3 with a Lyra Delos cartridge (a marriage made in heaven, by the way). I have a McIntosh C50 preamp and a McIntosh MC275 mk. 6 amp.

I listen almost exclusively to 70's and 80's rock, new wave, and punk. The Reference 3A's have been awesome. I much prefer them to the ProAc Response D2's I replaced. (Better imaging, more air, better bass, more efficient). Is there more of that? Can I trade up to even more air, imaging and bass? An even more lively sound? Floor standers are out the question. My budget for new used speakers cannot exceed $4500. Your thoughts appreciated.
If you can find them used you might find Joseph Audio Pulsars in that price range, and they should have enough bass to keep you rockin'. I like Ref 3As too, but not sure they'd be my first choice for your type of music. Maybe Revel Ultima Gems or something from ATC would be interesting for that genre. Best of luck.
Out of curiosity - why are floor standers out of the question, the stand takes up room /floorspace anyway so why not occupy that space with cabinet volume ?

Good Listening

PBNaudio, I have WAF issues. Need to stick with my stand/monitor combo. Especially if I am going to double my investment in speakers.