I want to dump my Oppo; but...

I'm getting an Ayre C-5xeMP and I'd like it to replace My Oppo BDP-105, assuming it performs better once I get to comparing. The problem is I've built up a sizable library on USB drives and the Ayre has no digital inputs. An outboard DAC would do for the music; but how would I navigate through the 100+ folders and their files? I don't have or want a smart phone and keeping a laptop on my knees would be a real buzzkill. Right now I use the 105 just for stereo audio and it's plugged into an old LCD monitor for navigation and set-up.
Thank you both for your help. I should have mentioned that I'm not all that swift when it comes to digital. The QX-5 Twenty has a tiny scree and I don't see any HDMI or video out. So how would I see and navigate from my listening chair?

And the only thing I know about NAS is that it's a storage system.
Ahhh, so the real problem here is that you need a music server that attaches to your TV.

OK, so let’s separate the server from the DAC.

Any PC or Mac will work.

Then use a USB cable to connect to a USB capable DAC.

Use a wireless keyboard specially designed for HT use, have trackpad built in. Logitech makes a number of these.

My family uses our Modwright 105 for movies and other silver disks also to stream music and video.
I use it as a stand alone DAC for a music server/streamer. One button on the remote to select use. Simple.