I2S, S/PDIF, Toslink connections

In searching for a new DAC the input choices are many. There are several ways in which inputs can be connected to a DAC and this can be compounded when an USB/SPDIF converter is inserted between computer and DAC. I wish to learn more regarding the SQ as afforded by these inputs.

Specific questions:
I am of the understanding that coaxial is superior to toslink when connecting CDP to DAC. Is this true?

What is an I2S connection and what are advantages to this option? Uses an HDMI cable i believe.

Thanks in advance for helping with my understanding.
Ag insider logo xs@2xmesch
I2S is also available on North Star as RJ-45, which I am using.
It certainly is the best connection.
I wish to thank all for their response. Are there no USB/SPDIF converters that output I2S to any of the aforementioned DACS?
Dunno but it is doable. I wrote a pair of articles many years back (1995-7) about how to do this. They appeared in Audio Amateur which has morphed into AudioXpress. The articles were called "Get on the Bus" parts 1 and 2. While the specific devices referred to are a bit dated, the general principles are the same.
Mesch- the Empirical Audio Off-Ramp 5 outputs both differential HDMI I2S and single-ended RJ-45 I2S. it works with W4S DAC2, PS Audio PWD, Northstar, Stello, Empirical Audio, Perpetual Technologies, Buffalo and others.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve, please consider including a coax input on the Offramp 5 so that I can buy one to put between my Squeezebox Touch and my W4S DAC2. I would really like to try feeding the DAC2 via I2S.