Ideal SUT for Lyra Olympos cartridge?

I have a Lyra Olympos on a Graham Phantom arm and like this combination alot. I am looking for the SUT that can best match this cartridge. I've got a rather inexpensive Cinemag which simply doesn't highlight the attricutes of this cartridge at all. Price aside, what would fellow Goners suggest and where to get it. Auditorium, Express, Shindo, looking for some meat on the bones type of sound and hopefully some flexibility for future carts.
Raul, "ALCS"? Here in the US that stands for American League Championship Series, games that are played among the best AL teams at the close of the season to determine which of them will go to the World Series.

I admire your feistiness and agree with you sometimes. Sometimes you take on too many ideas at once and claim hegemony over all of them. Not a good idea. And you cannot escape the inherently subjective nature of audiophilia, try as you might, any more than the rest of us. And for the rest of us, that's "rarely" or "sometimes" at best.
Oops! I see that I responded to what is now an ancient argument between Raul and others. Sorry, Raul.