if i could trade places......

i hope we might have some fun with this one, while learning something of ourselves and imparting to others a bit about our unique tastes and passions. here’s the fill-in-the-blanks drill: if, for one night, i could trade places with a [musician, singer, participant-live or dead] in a concert by [a group, composer or individual-live or dead], I’d do so because [ reason or explanation ]. this is not a rigid construct but only a rough formulation of an idea for each to build upon.

i’ll give an example, by way of further explanation and as a “starter post,” as follows: if, for one night, I could have stepped out of my lawyer’s shoes and suit and taken on the role of another, I’d have chosen to be the tambourine player in eric clapton’s band that played and recorded the tracks that became the “unplugged” album. this part is one, even I, could have performed adequately and would have put me in the middle of a performance i judge to be among the most seminal of the last couple decades of the 20th century.
........should be roots of his music, but 'roots of his roots' is pretty deep ;>)
I would have loved to have been Lindsey Buckingham during the recordng of "Rumours" I never would have let that beautiful Stevie go!
I would like to have traded places with Alan Parsons, step into Abbie Road Studios and create some of the best studio recorded music in history. If I had to narrow it down a bit probably from June 1972 to January 1973, granted that is a long period but it is hard to decide when you have a career like Parson's has. To follow suit with Kelly: wipe the grease off my face take the wrench out of my pocket and transport myself to England and work on creating some great music. Also if Alan was not around my secound runer up would be Brian Eno(funny that both have worked together) creating one of his masterpieces. Oh and this has nothing to with lust.....well at least any that I will admit too.
I'd really want to trade places with Frank Zappa, one of the true geniuses of our time. With his skill and knowledge of music and the top-drawer talent he always had assembled, can you imagine the possibilities? His work lives on, and continues to amaze me to this day. Distant second would be either Fagen and/or Becker and conduct modern day symphonies as Steely Dan. Jeff