If I had an OPPO 103 or 105, what do

I need to power front speakers and a center channel?

Do I need some additional processor or simply a multi-channel theater amp?

Thanks, Jeff
I don't know what your budget is, but if your budget permits you may want to investigate the Parasound Halo A31 (retail $3000). The A31 is a rarity in that it's designed specifically to be a three channel amp as opposed to multi-channel amps that are also concerned with surround and/or back channels.
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For that use you want the Oppo 105 with its superior analog output. You cannot use an analog source such as a phono stage, because the Oppos accept only digital input. An Oppo 105 directly into an amp should sound very good, if it satisfies your input needs.

A multi-channel amp is all that is required as long as you don't want any auto-EQ circuitry. The Oppos are exceptionally good units and running them direct into an amp sounds very, very good...
