In the market for a cartridge for Clearaudio Innovation Wood

Hi all,
My wife gave me a Clearaudio Innovation Wood TT as a birthday present, and currently I'm in the market for a new cartridge. The tonearm is SME 309 because I already had it before. I'm looking for a balanced sound with good resolution, mostly for classical orchestral music and jazz. The budget is around $3000 and it's flexible. Any advice will be appreciated. 

I would also agree with esoteric about the DS Audio cartridge and phono preamp. It's a very special cartridge. I listened to it for an hour or so, though it was on the AMG Viella TT and not on a Clearaudio TT. I didn't recommend it because you said your budget was around $3K. If you can stretch it to $5K the DS Audio is worth a listen.
Is the DS Audio cartridge more sensitive to the dust and grime than conventional ones?
Is the DS Audio cartridge more sensitive to the dust and grime than conventional ones?

Not in my experience nor the experience of my clients. It's a traditional Shibata stylus and is going to behave the same with respect to dust as other cartridges using the same stylus profile. As with any cartridge keeping LPs and the stylus tip clean is well worth the effort.