indoor antenna?

I live in NYC, 4th floor of 4 story bldg, currently using rabbit ears. I am considering Terk TV50, but will also consider anything else. Does anyone have any good ideas/experience?. My bldg. does not allow outdoor antennas.
The FCC has a factsheet on preemption of restrictions on OTA antennas. You might want to see if your circumstances qualify. The factsheet is available at:
I'm in a similar predicament. Live in a condo with no outdoor antenna AND lots of appliances to interfere with the signal. I recently tried the Godar indoor antenna and its works GREAT. Signals come in strong and I can enjoy FM again.
The best indoor antenna I ever used, before I got an outdoor one, is the old Day Sequerra indoor antenna. It was fairly expensive new; if you can pick one up in the used market it would be worth an audition.
I appreciate all the responses but I was not interested in FM reception, I am interested in a good indoor TV antenna.
Can anyone offer advise on a good indoor TV antenna.
I once usedan outdoor antenna placed under the bed.