Integrated amp for less than$2500,your suggestion

Hi, I have been contemplating of buying a better Integrated amp to replace my NADC370. I would prefer warmer,smoother
,musical and full-bodied sounding unit.My budget is for not more than $2500.My system:Quadral Ascent850,3 way-floorstander,89dB(4-8ohm);Analysis Plus Oval 9 spkr cable;TruthLink IC(harmonic tech);AhNjoeTjoeb 4000CDP(Amperex7308 tubes,Upsampling). Your suggestion is highly appreciated and thanks in advance
Bennett, I'm just curious. Since you owned the Integre and seemed very happy with it, did you investigate (listen to) the Integre's big brother: the Passion. That was the move I made. Integre to Passion. What did you like better about the Mac? I listened to almost everything out there, and the Passion, for me, was hands down the winner over just about everything out. I've owned the Passion for 5 months, now, and I...hey, what can I say: I feel as you do--peace, warren
Hey Bennett, I should have looked at your "system." Now I know why you didn't buy the Passion, or consider it. I didn't realize you had a particular budget. That's cool. Makes sense. The Passion is far superior to the Mac ( for me), but I'm surprised, given you only have 100 watts, that you're not longing for MUCH more power, plus a sub. I've owned Maggies, and loved them, until I moved and didn't have the room for them. 100 watts is, merely, a tease for those babies. Wait to you hear what 400 watts can do, with bridged Brystons or bridged something. peace, warren